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letter of guarantee中文翻译,letter of guarantee是什么意思,letter of guarantee发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

letter of guarantee中文翻译,letter of guarantee是什么意思,letter of guarantee发音、用法及例句

1、letter of guarantee

letter of guarantee发音

英:  美:

letter of guarantee中文意思翻译



letter of guarantee双语使用场景

1、That it is able to provide adequate risk deposit and a letter - of - guarantee for the risk - guaranty money.───能够向合营企业提供足够数额的风险抵押金或风险保证金保函.

2、This Letter of Guarantee shall become null and void as outlined above regardless it has been returned to us by the Owner or not.───无论业主单位是否将本保函返还给我行,该保函均会按照上述条件失去效力。

3、The Letter of Guarantee shall be decreased proportionally with the Seller's partial deliveries.───保函金额应随卖方货物的分批交付而按比例递减.

4、Provides financing tools, the consultation and the service andon letter of credit , letter of guarantee, bill.───提供信用证 、 保函 、 票据等融资工具 、 谘询与服务.

5、Secondly, I probe into the theory of the letter of guarantee and its practical usage.───第二部分则对海运保函的理论及在海运实践中运用进行了一些探讨。

6、This Letter of Guarantee should be returned to our Bank after its expiration.───本保证函一经到期,应退还我们.

7、You should produce a similar Letter of Guarantee jointly signed by two banks.───你方应该提交有两家银行签署的保证函.

8、We will instruct the Bank of China to issue a Letter of Guarantee.───我们将通知中国银行开出保证书。

letter of guarantee相似词语短语

1、letter of credence───国书

2、letter of advices───发货通知单;[金融]汇票通知单

3、letter of intent───n.意向书;合同之草约

4、letter of attorney───n.委任状

5、letter of marques───逮捕的许可证

6、letter of advice───发货通知单;[金融]汇票通知单

7、letter of intents───n.意向书;合同之草约

8、letter of marque───逮捕的许可证

9、letter of credences───国书


保单(Policy)和保函(Letter of Credit)是两种不同的保险合同。保单通常用于投保货物贸易保险,保障货物在运输过程中的损失和出售时的损失。保单是保险公司与保险人之间的合同,保险公司向保险人承诺,在特定的保险期间内,如果因为某些意外情况导致货物损失,将按合同规定赔偿一定的金额。



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