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new word中文翻译,new word是什么意思,new word发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

new word中文翻译,new word是什么意思,new word发音、用法及例句

new word

new word发音

英:  美:

new word中文意思翻译




new word双语使用场景

1、Then use the new word asas you can the first day you learn it.───那么就从学会新词的那一刻起,尽可能得多用它吧.

2、We make a difference between new word and coinages.───对新词和生造词要区别对待.

3、Associate the other words with this new word to help you remember the pronunciation.───联系换句话说这个新词,以帮助您记住发音.

4、This new word is in common currency.───这个新字已通用.

5、Rearrange the letters to form a new word.───重新排列字母,组成另一单词.

6、The teacher at one time to teach the new word: stapler, brush and disk.───教师依次将白纸取下,讲授订书机 、 毛笔、磁盘三个新单词.

7、When you are reading, mark each new word with a red line.───读书的时候, 用红线标一下生词.

8、Whenever he runs across a new word, he always look it up in a dictionary.───每当他遇到生词的时候, 他总要查阅字典.

9、Although there's no new word in the passage, I can't understand it.───尽管这篇短文中没有生词,我却仍没有读懂。

10、John, whats your favourite new word at the moment?───约翰, 你现在最喜欢的新词是 什么 ?

11、Whenever you come across a new word, just consult and you will get a clear definition.───当你遇到生词时, 只要请教辞典,你将会得到明晰的定义.

12、Learn how to pronounce each new word.───学会新单词的发音.

13、To devise ( a new word or phrase ).───杜撰设计 ( 新单词或短语 )

14、Along with this, the new word and the new estate, called nongmingong, appeared as well.───与此相对应也就出现了“农民工”一词和“农民工”这一阶层.

15、When you learn a new word, you should check the stress.───在学一个新单词的时候,最好要大声把它读出来。

16、Decide to learn one new word a day.───决定每天学习一个新单词。

17、The teacher gave a definition of the new word.───老师给出生词的释义.

new word相似词语短语

1、new wool───新羊毛

2、in a word───总之;简言之

3、new order───新秩序

4、new born───adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿

5、key words───关键词

6、dew worm───露水虫

7、key word───关键字;保留字

8、new blood───新成员;新生力量

9、new store───新店


mimic:n,善于模仿的人或动物;v.模仿;adj.模拟的 NewWord:新词,生词

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