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yellow earth中文翻译,yellow earth是什么意思,yellow earth发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

yellow earth中文翻译,yellow earth是什么意思,yellow earth发音、用法及例句

yellow earth

yellow earth发音

英:  美:

yellow earth中文意思翻译


赭石,黄土; 黄壤

yellow earth双语使用场景

1、Just move a little room for weeds to survive, she would decorate the yellow earth, hold up a green.───只要挪动一点杂草生存的空间,他就会把黄土地装点,撑起一片绿色。

2、Colder days, and on the ground that are not green, and left large tracts of Yellow Earth.───天更冷了,地上一点绿色都没有了,只剩下大片大片的黄土地。

3、The rugged bricks found in fault lines in the yellow earth are silently recounting history.───黄土断层内那裸露着的参差不齐的城砖是历史凝固的语言.

4、Kaige's films Yellow Earth ( 1984 ) have made him a leading figure in Chinese cinema.───1984年那部《霸王别姬》使他跻身中国一线导演之列.

5、zonal soils of Hainan province comprises with laterite, savanna soil, mountain lateritic red earth, mountain yellow earth, etc.───海南地处热带,地带性土壤有砖红壤、燥红土和山地赤红壤、山地黄壤等。

6、Jiang ZhiXin , pen named Soul - of - Yellow Earth , is a professional artist.───蒋志鑫艺术家,号蛮牛, 艺名黄土魂.

yellow earth相似词语短语

1、yellow card───(足球)黄牌

2、yellow cards───(足球)黄牌

3、yellow rattle───鼻花

4、hell on earth───人间炼狱

5、yellow birch───红桦

6、yellow alerts───预备警报

7、yellow carded───(足球)黄牌

UGG AUSTRALIA和Yellow Earth求对比

这两个牌子我都买过 强烈推荐lz买yellow earth 你可以去专柜对比一下 先不说价格 yellow earth的毛要比ugg厚很多 鞋底 鞋面都比ugg质量好 ugg我穿了两年就觉得要报废了 yellow earth还一点毛病都没有 而且yellow earth价格要比ugg便宜 不是定价便宜 而是商场经常会打折 性价比很高

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