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be inferior to中文翻译,be inferior to是什么意思,be inferior to发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

be inferior to中文翻译,be inferior to是什么意思,be inferior to发音、用法及例句

be inferior to

be inferior to发音

英:  美:

be inferior to中文意思翻译




be inferior to双语使用场景

1、Its pie so many ships, still be inferior to consider how reduce where illegal fishing.───与其派那么多军舰,还不如认真考虑一下怎么样减少在那里的非法捕捞。

2、I consider this one to be inferior to that one.───我认为这个比那个要差.

3、Because the condition is best, still be inferior to high vitrification.───因为条件是最好的, 还不如高度透明化.

4、The world has love, can why does its side - effect let life be inferior to dead?───人间有爱, 可为什么它的副作用让人生不如死 呢 ?

5、I consider it to be inferior to robot.───我认为它不及机器人.

6、Entanglements, I spent so many years, still be inferior to a ignorant.───纠结,我相处了这么多年,还不如一个一无所知的人。

7、Complacent cat cross a tiger force , depilate husband and wife to be inferior to chicken.───自得猫儿强过虎, 脱毛鸾凤不如鸡.

8、Want to agree through landlord anyway, still be inferior to signing a new contract afresh.───反正要经过房东同意, 还不如重新签一份新合同.

9、But practical effect is very be inferior to person meaning.───但实际效果是很不如人意.

10、Atttack the enemy actively from the front, be inferior to assaulting from flank enemy weak point.───从正面主动攻击敌人, 不如从侧面攻打敌人薄弱环节.

be inferior to相似词语短语






6、be in em;yo───处于胚胎期

7、be nothing to───conj.不能与…相比;对…无足轻重

The quality in inferior, but u might be lucky to get factory rejects but not likely.


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