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scale back(scaled back中文翻译,scaled back是什么意思,scaled back发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

scale back(scaled back中文翻译,scaled back是什么意思,scaled back发音、用法及例句)

1、scaled back

scaled back发音

英:  美:

scaled back中文意思翻译



scaled back双语使用场景

1、The plans could still be dropped, scaled back or executed in stages, people familiar with the matter said.───知情人士说,成本削减计划仍有可能被放弃、缩小规模或分阶段执行。

2、The Bank's economists have also scaled back their estimates of how much trade reduces poverty.───银行的经济学家也调低了贸易救助贫困估计。

3、White House budget officials have already scaled back estimates of how much money they might need to keep the financial system afloat.───白宫负责预算的官员已经按比例的缩减了对于他们可能需要多少钱才能免于经济困难的估计。

4、With the threat of contracts being torn up in bankruptcy, the United Auto Workers might accept scaled-back staffing and benefits.───当取消威胁破产的合同后,美国汽车工会可以接受缩减的员工福利。

5、Yet even though wedding budgets have been scaled back, the cuts are less than you might have expected.───不过,尽管新人们纷纷缩减婚礼预算,缩减的幅度也许并没有你想的那么大。

6、Brandt felt vindicated but unhappy that the claims for remedies had been vastly scaled back by the Bush White House.───Brandt觉得那个判决是正确的,但是对于布什政府减少赔偿额的要求感到不快。

7、The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.───国际货币基金组织已经调低对未来十年的增长预测。

8、Its plans to merge with Morgan Stanley's Japanese unit were also scaled back.───其计划于摩根·士丹利旗下的日本公司的合并也受到缩减。

9、Some borrowers have scaled back or shelved planned borrowing.───一些借款人已经相应缩减或搁置借款计划。

scaled back相似词语短语

1、call back───vi.回电;收回

2、called back───回叫;召唤(callback的过去式和过去分词)

3、scales back───相应缩减;按比例缩减

4、scraped back───刮回来

5、scale back───相应缩减;按比例缩减

6、scaling back───相应缩减;按比例缩减

7、calls back───vi.回电;收回


9、screwed back───拧回


office closure办公室关闭双语对照例句:

1.In singapore, concordia recently shut its office, while tantallon capital hasscaled back with the closure of a small-cap fund. 在新加坡,concordia近期关闭了办事处,而随着关闭一只小型股基金,tantallon capital也缩减了业务。

2.Corrections to the closure of the office of running a real name instead of yourname on it. 到停业厅去办实名更正,改为你的名字就可以了

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