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off duty中文翻译,off duty是什么意思,off duty发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

off duty中文翻译,off duty是什么意思,off duty发音、用法及例句

off duty

off duty发音

英:  美:

off duty中文意思翻译



off duty双语使用场景

1、When off duty I can do my private work.───不上班的时候我可以做自己的事了.

2、The place is the haunt of off-duty policemen.───这里是不当班的警察经常光顾的地方。

3、I am off duty today.───今天我歇班.

4、I'm off duty.───我下班了。

5、They clocked off duty and left at ten to three.───他们打卡下班,于2点50分离开。

6、I was off duty yesterday.───昨天我不当班.

7、It was the only place for off - duty relaxation.───这是假日休闲的惟一去处.

8、The off - duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall.───狂风过后,下了班的值夜人员在一盏提灯下憩息.

9、What time do you go off duty?───你什么时候下班?

10、She is off duty now.───她已经下班了.

11、May I suggest, sir, that I only recently came off duty?───我可以告诉你, 长官, 我刚刚下班 呢 ?

12、Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home.───四名官员已经被通知停职在家休整。

13、A policeman does not wear a uniform when he is off duty.───警察不值勤时不穿制服.

14、The nests were often the scene of lively, off - duty parties.───这里经常是下班后举行欢乐聚会的场所.

15、The day after tomorrow is Sunday , but I'll be off duty.───后天是星期天, 正好我休息.

16、you come off duty?; What time do you knock off?───你什么时候下班?

17、When do you come off duty?───你什么时候下班?

off duty相似词语短语

1、off pat───走样

2、off days───休息日

3、off site───界外;装置外

4、join duty───参加工作

5、off key───走调地;不合拍地

6、feu duty───消防职责


8、on duty───值班,上班;(学校里)值日

9、off day───休息日



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