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drive a car怎么读(drive a car中文翻译,drive a car是什么意思,drive a car发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

drive a car怎么读(drive a car中文翻译,drive a car是什么意思,drive a car发音、用法及例句)

1、drive a car

drive a car发音

英:  美:

drive a car中文意思翻译


开车; 开汽车


drive a car双语使用场景

1、of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.───饮酒会削弱你驾驶汽车或操纵机器的能力。

2、It comes easy to Jim to learn to drive a car.───对吉姆来说学开车是轻而易举的.

3、I am learning to drive a car.───我正在学开汽车.

4、It's illegal for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.───在英国,不满17岁的人驾驶车辆是违法的.

5、He could as soon write an epic as drive a car.───他要是能开汽车就会写叙事诗啦.

6、The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at.───限速是允许驾车的最快速度.

7、It is a disadvantage not to be able to drive a car.───不会开汽车是不便的.

8、He's learning to drive a car.───他在学开车.

9、My humiliation was complete with his discovery that I couldn't even drive a car.───当他发现我甚至连车都不会开的时候,我的羞愧达到了无以复加的地步.

10、The girl as well as boys has learned to drive a car.───这个女孩和男孩子一样,也学会了开汽车.

11、I could drive a car before I left school.───我在中学毕业前就会开车了。

12、She can't ride a bicycle, let alone drive a car.───她连自行车都不会骑,更别说开小汽车了。

13、Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.───饮酒会削弱你驾驶汽车或操控机器的能力。

14、I can drive a car but I don't know anything about the nuts and bolts.───我会开汽车,但我对发动机一窍不通.

15、Can I drive a car with my Chinese driving license?───我可以用中国的驾照开车 吗 ?

16、I can't drive a car, but I a motorbike license.───我不会开汽车, 但我有摩托车的驾驶执照.

17、It is infinitely easier to drive a car than to repair it.───开车比修车容易多了.

18、We can drive a car forwards or backwards, but not sideways.───我们开车可以向前或后退, 但不能侧着开.

drive a car相似词语短语

1、drive away───赶走;(把车)开走;离去

2、drive sb mad───把某人逼疯

3、service a car───保养汽车

4、crash a car───撞车

5、driven at───用意所在

6、drive at───用意所在




drivedrovedriver ,


drive ,drove ,driver 。

drive、drove 和 driver 的区别如下。

1、drive 是英文动词原型。


① 驱,赶。

② 驱使;迫使。

③ 驾驶。


You drive a car safely.


2、drove 是 drive 的过去式。


John drove the truck last week.

3、driver 是英文名词。


① 司机,驾驶员。

② 驱动器,(主)动轮。



He is a satisfied driver.

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