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come under fire中文翻译,come under fire是什么意思,come under fire发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

come under fire中文翻译,come under fire是什么意思,come under fire发音、用法及例句

1、come under fire

come under fire发音

英:  美:

come under fire中文意思翻译



come under fire双语使用场景

1、The regulator has come under fire for not bringing more cases over the 2008 financial crisis.───证交会一直因未就2008年金融危机提起更多诉讼而饱受攻击.

2、THE aviation industry has come under fire for refusing to cut extra travel costs.───航空产业由于拒绝减少额外的机票费用而备受指责.

3、Stockholm's tranquil image has recently come under fire.───近来斯德哥尔摩一改往日宁静的形象而变得热闹起来。

4、But to win the shiniest MEDALS, you need to have come under fire.───但是想要得到最闪亮的奖牌,那么就应该是从烈火中幸存的。

5、health minister has come under fire from all sides.───卫生部长受到来自各方的责难。

6、The above theory has come under fire from a variety of directions.───上述理论曾受到各方的责难.

7、Share options and pensions may also come under fire.───股票期权和退休金也可能受到批评.

come under fire相似词语短语

1、be under fire───受到指责;受到批评

2、come under───遭受;归入

3、to underfire───二分四

4、came under───遭受;归入

5、under fire───受到严厉批评;遭到攻击

6、come up for───提出;出现,来了

7、comes under───遭受;归入

8、come in for───受到;接受;得到

9、to underwire───两条钢索



- Regular exercise and a healthy diet are important for maintaining good health.(定期锻炼和健康的饮食习惯对保持良好的健康状况很重要。)

- The doctor said that her health was improving.(医生说她的身体状况正在改善。)


- Fresh fruits and vegetables are a healthy choice for snacks.(新鲜水果和蔬菜是健康的零食选择。)

- She tries to lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.(她尝试通过定期锻炼和充足的睡眠来过健康的生活方式。)


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