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be love中文翻译,be love是什么意思,be love发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

be love中文翻译,be love是什么意思,be love发音、用法及例句

be love

be love发音

英:[bɪˈlʌv]  美:[bɪˈlʌv]

英:  美:

be love中文意思翻译



be love双语使用场景

1、May be, Love is only a chapter in a guy's life. But to a girl, it's the whole book.───或许,爱情只是男人生命的一个章节。但是对于女人,却是整整一本书。

2、He had never felt like that himself towards any woman, but he knew that such a feeling must be love.───他自己从没有对哪个女人有过这种感情,可是他却知道这一定就是爱情。

3、We seem to skip over our judgments in the hope that this will be love at first sight.───我们好像忽略了自己的判断而第一眼后就期望这是爱情。

4、the day be love.───整天都在神的慈爱中。

5、He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki ever since he saved her, to what might be love in a romantic sense.───他已经表示他对优姬关爱很深自从他救了她,他们可能会陷入浪漫的爱情

6、If you want more of something-may it be love, money, or trust-you have to give it before you get it.───在你想从别人那里获得更多的东西时——爱情也好,金钱也好,信任也好——记住,得到之前必有付出。

7、there must be love in me, I must cease to be envious, and then I shall always act rightly.───我内心之中必须有爱,我必须不再嫉妒,然后我才总是能行动正确。

8、There cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us.───没有信任就不会有爱,除非我们的行为举止值得人们信任,否则就不会有信任。

be love相似词语短语

1、be in love───在恋爱


3、be like───像…,相像

4、in love───相爱;恋爱中

5、free love───自由性爱

6、deep love───深深的爱;深沉的爱

7、my love───我的爱(歌曲名)

8、to love───爱…

9、make love───v.**;示爱(献殷勤)



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