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cross the road中文翻译,cross the road是什么意思,cross the road发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

cross the road中文翻译,cross the road是什么意思,cross the road发音、用法及例句

1、cross the road

cross the road发音

英:  美:

cross the road中文意思翻译



cross the road双语使用场景

1、Pause before you cross the road.───过马路之前要先停步.

2、You mustn't cross the road.───你不能穿过马路。

3、You can't cross the road—it's like a racetrack.───那条马路像赛车道一样,你不要横过那条马路。

4、I saw him cross the road and go into the hospital.───我看见他走过了马路,进了医院.

5、Then people on foot can cross the road carefully!───而后行人们可以小心地过马路!

6、Cross the road and take Bus Number 218.───过马路去坐218路车.

7、Look left and right before you cross the road.───左右看一看,然后再过马路。

8、It is dangerous for a small child to cross the road alone.───小孩子自己过马路危险.

9、After you get off the bus, cross the road and walk straight on.───你下车后,穿过马路,一直往前走。

10、We found it impossible to cross the road.───我发现过马路是不可能的.

11、Mind out for the traffic when you cross the road.───过马路要注意来往车辆.

12、Watch out for cars when you cross the road.───过马路时当心车辆.

13、She watched for her chance to cross the road.───她在等待机会过马路.

14、You can cross the road in safety when the policeman holds up his hand to stop the cars.───当警察举手让车辆暂停时,你就可以安全横过马路.

15、The children must cross the road only with a teacher or parent.───孩子们必须和老师或父〔母〕亲一起过马路.

16、The policeman signalled the children to cross the road.───警察向孩子们做手势,叫他们过马路.

17、She watched for a chance to cross the road.───她等候时机横过马路.

18、Always demonstrate to children the right to cross the road safely.───要始终向孩子们示范如何安全地过马路.

cross the road相似词语短语

1、cross the pond───穿过池塘

2、cross the bar───去世

3、cross the line───做得太过分了

4、down the road───在路边;一段时间之后

5、across the way───街对面;路对面


7、on the road───在旅途中;到处奔走

8、across the board───全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名

9、cross the threshold───跨进门内

2、across the road与cross the road的区别是什么?

都是“横穿马路”之意,但是cross是动词,across为介词,cross the road = go across the road



穿过,越过。渡过;交叉, 相交; 错过。主要表示在物体表面上横穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义。

She was partly to blame for failing to look as she crossed the road.


He has crossed the border into another territory



The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China.绿色长城横跨中国西北。


Go across the road , you will find the post office on your left.


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