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remote control中文翻译,remote control是什么意思,remote control发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

remote control中文翻译,remote control是什么意思,remote control发音、用法及例句

remote control

remote control发音

英:  美:

remote control中文意思翻译




remote control双语使用场景

1、It works by remote control .───它通过遥控工作。

2、I operate the TV with the remote control.───我用遥控器操作电视机.

3、VC simple remote control code, it is worth learning!───VC简单远程控制代码, 很值得学习!

4、D : Where did I put the remote control? Oh, here it is.───我把遥控器放在哪里了? 啊, 在这里.

5、The bomb was detonated by remote control.───炸弹通过遥控引爆。

6、The remote control should be well balanced.───遥控器要保持平衡.

7、The plant is operated entirely by remote control and monitored by closed circuit television or periscope.───这个工厂完全用遥控操作,而且用封闭电路电视或展望镜来监视.

8、Remote Control Server side code, using JPG compression speed quickly.───远程控制服务端代码, 采用JPG压缩 传输速度很快.

9、The company developed a success last year intelligent remote control shade and curtain.───公司去年研制成功了智能遥控卷帘及窗帘.

10、So it is possible to tickle yourself — but only by remote control.───所以自己给自己哈痒仍有可能,只不过需要依靠遥控器.

11、Key technologies of Mobile Remote Control are studied based on mobile network.───研究使用移动设备控制远程计算机的方法.

12、The promoter promptly made a quotation for the remote control motors.───发起人立刻制了一份遥控马达的报价单.

13、You can switch channels with the remote control.───你可以用遥控器转换频道.

14、Desktop remote control procedures, functions and successfully compiled, no errors, which can be normal use.───桌面远程控制程序,功能比较, 成功编译, 没有错误, 基本可以正常使用.

15、Remote Control Agent requires 386 Enhanced Mode.───远程控制代理需要386增强模式.

16、The shunt tripping device is used for a remote control of disconnection of the Breaker.───分励脱扣器用作远距离断开断路器.

17、They rammed an explosive charge home and detonated it by remote control.───他们装好炸药,然后以遥控的方式将其引爆.

18、It can realize single unit automatic control or remote control upon repuested.───配用无源控制器后,可实现遥控操作.

19、Maybe some model ships with remote control.───可以是摇控玩具船.

20、He reached for the remote control and pressed the "play" button.───他伸手拿过遥控器,按下“播放”键。

21、Remote control racing. The latest section of the road racing. Jiapin good gifts.───摇控赛车. 最新一款的赛车. 送礼的好佳品.

22、The bomb was detonated by remote control.───这个炸弹由遥控装置引爆。

23、Our handset, in our family digital television, digital sound, remote control, air conditioning, intelligent toy.───我们的手机, 我们家里数码电视机 、 数码音响 、 遥控器 、 空调 、 智能玩具.

24、Give me the remote control apparatus please.───请给我遥控器.

25、QQ remote control Wizard Delphi source code, to prepare remote control software can reference!───QQ远控精灵代码DELPHI源码, 编写远程控制软件可以参考!

26、Remote control is the control , which realizes to control the remote object by computer.───远程控制就是指利用计算机通过网络系统实现对远程被控对象的控制.

27、To check remote control again, select Back.───若要重新检查遥控器, 请选择“上一步”.

28、I can't find the remote control.───我找不到遥控器。

remote control相似词语短语

1、motor control───[电]电动机控制;[电]马达控制

2、credit control───信贷控制;信用管制

3、remote controls───n.遥控(器)

4、riot control───暴乱控制

5、rent control───租金控制

6、lose control───失控

7、climate control───[气候]气候控制

8、damage control───损害控制;破坏性控制


结语:RC是什么方向,RC可以指代多个不同的方向,具体取决于上下文。以下是一些可能的解释: 1. 遥控(Remote Control):RC可以是指遥控器或遥控设备,用于控制电子设备、车辆或机器人等。飞机遥控上rc是什么意思,1. RC在飞机遥控上指的是Remote Control(遥控)的缩写。2. 飞机遥控中的RC意味着使用无线电或其他通信技术,通过遥控器或其他设备来控制飞机的飞行和操作。单片机编程中rc代表什么,一、 英文remote control的缩写,意味远程控制,即遥控,也指遥控模型。

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