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bells and whistles中文翻译,bells and whistles是什么意思,bells and whistles发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

bells and whistles中文翻译,bells and whistles是什么意思,bells and whistles发音、用法及例句

1、bells and whistles

bells and whistles发音

英:[ˌbelz ən ˈwɪslz]  美:[ˌbelz ən ˈwɪs(ə)lz]

英:  美:

bells and whistles中文意思翻译




bells and whistles双语使用场景

1、I want a simple fax machine without all the bells and whistles and gongs.───我要一部简单的传真机,不必有那些附加的无聊玩意.

2、I got a new car with all the bells and whistles.───我买了一台很花俏的新车.

3、The bells and whistles inside are a nightmare to figure out.───内部的声响是可怕的事物.

4、You want bells and whistles? I'll see what I can arrange.───你要钟鼓齐鸣 吗 ?那我来看看我能安排些什麽.

5、It's a really basic application - no bells and whistles here.───这是一个相当基本的应用,没有花哨的东西。

6、However, before bells and whistles to your web site, make sure that It'serves the basics.───然而, 不论你在你的站点中玩弄什么把戏, 都不要忘了你的服务原则.

7、This means drag and drop editing, toolbars and menus, animation, and all the bells and whistles.───这意味着,拖拽编辑 、 工具栏以及菜单 、 动画 、 以及所有的声音效果.

8、Some have added interesting bells and whistles to this basic formula.───一些公司还会在基本准则上增添一些有趣的附属品。

9、Don't put in extra bells and whistles if it's not necessary.───不必要的话不要放进去,多余的铃声和口哨声。

10、Don't invest in unnecessary bells and whistles such as expensive office furniture.───不要再诸如昂贵的家具等无关紧要的东西上面花钱.

bells and whistles相似词语短语

1、bull thistles───矛叶蓟

2、Russian thistles───俄罗斯蓟

3、black and whiter───黑白相间

4、blow the whistle───告发;揭发

5、beer and skittles───吃喝玩乐

6、black and whitest───黑白相间

7、black and white───白纸黑字;单色;黑白片

8、hear a whistle───听到口哨声

9、black and whites───白纸黑字;单色;黑白片



拍摄时候NGNG的全称就是NO GOOD(不好)的画面,拍片子过程中经常听到导演喊NG,就是说不好,让演员再来一次。也可以是拍摄休息时,工作人员、演员的一些有意思的事。


behind-the-sceneslook ;behind-the-scenesfootage.



There arecommentarytracks, behind-the-scenesfootage,someothergreat bellsandwhistles


Whatevertheultimateroleofthecompany,thecircumstancessurroundingitscreationprovide abehind-the-scenesglimpseinto theneweraofGates’life.

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