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putaway(put away中文翻译,put away是什么意思,put away发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

putaway(put away中文翻译,put away是什么意思,put away发音、用法及例句)

put away

put away发音

英:  美:

put away中文意思翻译



收起来; 放好; 储存; 打消

put away双语使用场景

1、Put away your shoes.───把鞋子放好。

2、The ship put away from harbour early this afternoon.───船今天午后不久离港.

3、He must have put away half a bottle of whisky last night.───昨晚他大概喝了半瓶威士忌酒.

4、"Yes, Mum," replied Cheryl as she slowly put away her doll.───“是的,妈妈。”谢里尔一边慢慢地收起布娃娃一边回答。

5、She put away the idea of going home on holiday.───她放弃了回家度假的念头.

6、I often misplace something that she should have put away.───我经常把她本该放起来的东西放错了地方.

7、Mary Lamb had to be put away from time to time.───玛丽·兰姆不得不多次被送进精神病院.

8、The fruIt'should be carefully put away.───水果应小心存放起来.

9、The dishes were put away and the fire was out.───盘碟都已放好,火也熄了.

10、The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.───信件都存放在编了号的卷宗内.

11、Put away any valuable or breakable objects.───把所有值钱的东西和易碎的物品都收起来。

12、Put away all the paper. Don't let it get blown about.───把纸收起来, 别叫风给刮散了.

13、Would you put away your toys?───你能把玩具放好吗?

14、He put away some money for a rainy day.───他储蓄一些钱以防不测.

15、Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.───她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。

16、Yes, Mom," replied Cheryl as she slowly put away her doll.───是的,妈妈,”谢里尔一边回答,一边慢慢地把她的玩具娃娃收起来。

17、As he glanced at the letter, Mr. Chwartz put away his pipe.───施渥兹先生看信时, 把烟斗放到了一边.

18、He has a nice sum of money put away.───他存了一大笔钱.

put away相似词语短语

1、rust away───锈烂

2、shut away───隔绝;把…藏起来;关起来

3、puts away───放好;抛弃;储存

4、eat away───侵蚀;痛快地吃,尽情地吃

5、pull away───离开;脱身;拉掉

6、rot away───烂掉;腐烂

7、plug away───坚持不懈;顽强地致力于(坚定而缓慢地行走)

8、get away───离开;逃脱;出发

9、got away───逃离;出发旅行

get away;give away;take away;put away 的差别

get away逃脱;give away赠送;分发;泄露 take away带走,拿走;put away把...收起;放好;储存;抛弃;放弃

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