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i guess中文翻译,i guess是什么意思,i guess发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

i guess中文翻译,i guess是什么意思,i guess发音、用法及例句

i guess

i guess发音

英:  美:

i guess中文意思翻译



i guess双语使用场景

1、I guess that she is in the order of 40.───我猜想她大约40岁.

2、"I guess you guys don't mind if I smoke?" he drawled.───“伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。

3、I guess he must be worth a small fortune.───我猜想他一定有一大笔钱.

4、I just felt the need to write bout it, I guess.───我想我就是觉得有必要对此写点儿什么。

5、I guess this reading room to contain five thousand books.───我猜想这间阅览室能放5000册书.

6、I guess this hall to accommodate 1 , 000 persons.───我猜这个大厅能容纳1000人.

7、I guess she thought that was pretty smart.───我想她可能认为那个很漂亮。

8、I guess it's okay with me.───我想这对我是合适的.

9、She shrugged. "You can count me in, I guess."───“我想你可以把我算进去。”她耸耸肩说道。

10、I guess he's right.───我想他是对的。

11、I guess he's right.───我认为他是正确的。

12、I guess his girlfriend has given him the gate.───我猜他被他的女友甩掉了.

13、Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.───嗯,我猜从此以后就容易了。

14、Uh, yeah, I guess so.───嗯,对,我想是这样。

15、"I think you're being paranoid." — "Yeah. I guess so."───我认为你太多疑了。”——“是啊,我也是这样认为。”

16、Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.───好,我想从现在起该一帆风顺了。

17、None of my business, I guess. It's your funeral.───我想是不关我什么事儿,你就自寻死路吧。

i guess相似词语短语

1、wild guess───胡乱猜想


3、to guess───猜猜看

4、to guest───致客人



7、I guess───我想;我认为

i guess your favorite food is rice 是从句吗

答:I  guess (that) your favorite food is rice. 这个英语句子是含有宾语从句的复合句。其中的 (that)your favorite food is rice. 是宾语从句。

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