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tshow(t show中文翻译,t show是什么意思,t show发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

tshow(t show中文翻译,t show是什么意思,t show发音、用法及例句)

t show

t show发音

英:  美:

t show中文意思翻译



t show双语使用场景

1、He said he would be there, but he didn't show.───他说他会来,但是他没有来赴约。

2、Firstly, it\'s important to say that we didn\'t show you on TV the worst of what we saw as we went through Beichuan and other destroyed towns.───首先,很有必要申明一点:我们没有在电视上展示我们在北川和其它被毁村镇看到的最糟的画面。

3、The pterosaurian egg doesn′t show any structures of the hard shell, indicating that it may be soft-shelled too.───龙类蛋化石没有显示硬壳结构,很可能同样为软壳蛋。

4、Room service didn't show up, they lied to the front desk saying we had a "do not disturb" sign out!───客房服务就没露过面,他们总台还撒谎说会有免打扰牌呢!

5、I didn't show him pictures on my phone quickly enough - and yes, they were pictures of him crying.───因为我没及时让他看我手机里的照片——没错,都是这孩子在哭的照片。

6、' I certainly would n't show all that [ personal information to a stranger , ]' said the Shanghai-based consultant .───安宏宇说,我当然不会向陌生人透露所有这些个人信息。

7、but they won't show us the videotape, they're under negotiations for a documentary. . . it just feels like sort of Friday fun house for me.───但他们不让我们看录像带,他们正在协商拍摄纪录片…对我来说,感觉有点像周五的游乐园。

8、It seems to me that you didn't show alll your sales plan at the meeting.───我觉得你好像开会的时候没有把你的销售计划全部说出来。

9、I mean even when there is screenshots for preview , i still take the risk of that the previews doesn ' t show the actual selling items.───就算有图片为预览,我仍然冒着图片不真实显示实际销售项目的风险。

t show相似词语短语

1、to shog───是肖格吗

2、to shoo───嘘

3、to shoe───鞋

4、to show───显示;真情流露

5、to shot───拍摄;射击;射门


7、hit show───热门演出;非常受欢迎的节目

8、to showd───展示

9、to shop───购物


Tstageshow意思是梯台秀,不是品牌名称。  时装,指款式新颖而富有时代感的服装。时间性强,每隔一定时期流行一种款式。采用新的面料、辅料和工艺,对织物的结构、质地、色彩、花型等要求也较高。讲究装饰、配套。在款式、造型、色彩、纹样、缀饰等方面不断变化创新、标新立异。

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