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past participle中文翻译,past participle是什么意思,past participle发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

past participle中文翻译,past participle是什么意思,past participle发音、用法及例句

past participle

past participle发音

英:  美:

past participle中文意思翻译



past participle双语使用场景

1、There are two types participle in English: the past participle and the present participle.───英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式.

2、Give the past and past participle forms of the verbs.───写出动词的过去式和过去分词形式。

3、Step 4 : Ask the students to summary the rules of the past participle used as attributive.───通过这个练习让学生对过去分词作定语的语法知识进行观察、分析与对比、归纳、使用.

4、There are two types of participle in English: the past participle and the present participle.───英语中有两类分词: 过去分词和现在分词.

5、There are two types of participle in English: past participle and the present participle.───英语中有两“类”分词: 过去分词和现在分词.

6、Who knows Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb?───谁晓得一般已往时和这个静词的功往总词?

7、Strewbis most commonly used in the past participle formBstrewn.───多见于其过去分词形式.

8、Who can give the past tense form and past participle form of this verb?───谁能说出这个词的过去时和过去分词形式?

9、The past participle used as object complement.───过去分词用作宾语补足语。

10、Several verbs have alternative regular and irregular past tense and past participle forms.───有些动词兼有规则和不规则的过去式和过去分词的形式.

11、Revise the past participle of the verbs they have learnt, and then make phrases with them.───检测学生对动词过去分词的规则变化掌握程度, 以及词汇的搭配灵活程度,为下步复习打下铺垫.

12、The past participle of regular verbs ends in '-ed'.───规则动词的过去分词以-ed结尾。

13、There are two participles, the present participle and the past participle.───分词有两种, 现在分词和过去分词.

14、The past participle as the Attribute Predicative and the object complement.───过去分词充当定语、表语和宾语补足语.

15、Most of the past participle heading for the passive voice.───标题中的过去分词大多为被动语态.

16、Step 4 : Ask the students to summarize the rules of the past participle used as attributive.───要求学生使用过去分词填空,加深学生对过去分词用作 定语 的语法知识点.

past participle相似词语短语

1、past participles───过去分词

2、present participle───现在分词

3、perfect participles───完成式分词

4、present participles───现在分词

5、psi particle───psi粒子

6、psi particles───psi粒子



9、perfect participle───完成式分词



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