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in the hall中文翻译,in the hall是什么意思,in the hall发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

in the hall中文翻译,in the hall是什么意思,in the hall发音、用法及例句

in the hall

in the hall发音

英:  美:

in the hall中文意思翻译



in the hall双语使用场景

1、His excellency the President will be waiting for you in the hall.───总统阁下会在大厅等你。

2、Smoking is not allowed in the hall.───大厅内不准吸烟。

3、Hang your overcoat on the peg in the hall.───把你的大衣挂在门厅的挂衣钩上.

4、Speak louder so the people in the hall can all hear you.───大声点讲,以便大厅里的人都能听清.

5、I paused in the hall to take three deep breaths to restore my equilibrium.───我在大厅里停了一下,深吸了三口气以恢复平静。

6、The mood in the hall was electric.───礼堂里的气氛极为热烈。

7、A stormy applause broke out in the hall.───全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声.

8、The mood in the hall was electric.───大厅里的气氛非常紧张。

9、The lights were on in the hall and in the bedroom.───门厅和卧室的灯都亮着。

10、Scads of people are in the hall.───许多人在大厅里.

11、In the hall it was almost dark.───大厅里几乎漆黑一片.

12、There was an outburst of laughter in the hall.───大厅里迸发出一阵笑声.

13、She was sitting all alone in the hall.───她一个人坐在大厅里。

14、The workers were assembled in the hall.───工人们聚集在大厅里.

15、These men misconducted themselves in the hall with loud talk.───这些人在大厅里大声说话,表现恶劣。

16、By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.───到9点时,三年级学生都在大厅里等待参加晨会。

17、Silence reigned in the hall.───全场肃静.

18、A cheer went up in the hall.───大厅里响起了欢呼声。

in the hall相似词语短语

1、in the shade───在荫凉处

2、in the mill───在制造中;在准备中

3、in the hole───负债,亏空;遇到经济困难

4、on the ball───adv.机灵;留心;有见识;勤奋

5、in the can───**杀青

6、in the air───在空中;悬而未决;在流传中;不设防

7、in the cold───被忽视,被冷落

8、in the bag───十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的

9、in the chair───处在主席地位;担任主席



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