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daily report中文翻译,daily report是什么意思,daily report发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

daily report中文翻译,daily report是什么意思,daily report发音、用法及例句

1、daily report

daily report发音

英:  美:

daily report中文意思翻译



daily report双语使用场景

1、Authorities in the Songtao region have blamed the gun trade on poverty, the China Daily report said.───报道称,松桃地区有关主管部门将贩枪黑市归罪于当地的贫困。

2、My usual daily report to C . I. G . S . follows through normal channels.───我每天向帝国总参谋长提出的例行报告按正规的程序递送.

3、Legal Daily report said gas shortages led to the current situation.───《法制日报》报道说,这一局面和“油荒”愈演愈烈有关.

4、Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received.───保证充足的备用金,确保所收到的现金和当日报表相等.

5、Check and review daily report, over - time report, delivery schedule report, etc.───检查及评估日常报表, 如员工超时报表 、 配送行程报表等.

6、This is an API standard mud daily report.───这是一份API标准的泥浆日报表。

7、I'll have to make out an invoice and write the daily report after a pressing day.───过了紧张的一天之后,我还得开发票,写每日总结报告.

8、The daily report of every department should reach my table.───每个部门的日报单必须送到我的桌上.

9、E - mail your daily report to me.───把你们的“旧报”用 电子邮件 传给我.

10、Be responsible for all documentation such as the Receiving Records, the Receiving Clerk's Daily Report.───负责保管诸如收货记录及收货员每日报表等文件.

11、Verify that the computerized Daily Report reflects completely all of the day's transactions.───确认电脑打印的每日报告所反映的全部业务收入.

12、Wall Street Journal gives a daily report of the stock market.───华尔街日报》每天报告股市行情。

daily report相似词语短语

1、status report───现状报告

2、rally support───争取支持

3、sales report───销售报表

4、sales reports───销售报告

5、daily workout───每日训练

6、family support───家庭支持

7、sally port───突破口;太平门

8、daily reality───日常现实

9、daily regimen───日常养生

2、daily report范文?

Hello, everybody. I am on duty today, and I am happy to serve you all in the classroom. It is Thursday today and we have seven classes, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. all of us should study hard in class and when we have the PE class, we should pay attention to our physical safety. After school, Please do take part in some sports and remember to do our homework. That's all. Thank you.

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