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appletree(apple tree中文翻译,apple tree是什么意思,apple tree发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

appletree(apple tree中文翻译,apple tree是什么意思,apple tree发音、用法及例句)

apple tree

apple tree发音

英:  美:

apple tree中文意思翻译



apple tree双语使用场景

1、The bad boys rifled the apple tree.───那些坏孩子把苹果树劫摘一空.

2、Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.───当然,一棵苹果树能存活多久是由许多因素决定的。

3、The root system of the apple tree grows in proportion to the top.───苹果根系的生长与树冠生长成正比.

4、He grafted a shoot from a good apple tree in an old tree.───他把优良品种的苹果树的嫩枝接到一株老树上去.

5、The apple tree bears well.───这棵苹果树结果多.

6、My apple tree has finally come out in blossom.───我的苹果树终于迎来了开花期.

7、The Apple Tree; dual personality; pity; chivalry; romantic; bourgeois.───《苹果树》; 两面性; 怜悯; 骑士精神; 浪漫化; 资产阶级.

8、The apple tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers on the grass.───那棵苹果树的树枝朝田里伸去, 花落在了草上.

9、The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.───那棵苹果树果实累累,压弯了树枝.

10、An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.───一棵结方形果实的苹果树正令专家们感到困惑。

11、He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.───他将这根树枝嫁接到了苹果树上.

12、That apple tree yield s plenty of apples.───那棵苹果树结出很多苹果.

13、Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?───你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树?

14、They tamped down the earth around the apple tree.───他们把苹果树周围的泥土夯实.

15、An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.───一棵结方形苹果的树令专家大惑不解。

16、Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?───你能否告诉我,修剪苹果树是不是件好事?

17、Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.───当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。

18、Look at the apple tree over there.───看那边的那棵苹果树.

apple tree相似词语短语

1、pineapple tree───菠萝树

2、apple bee───苹果蜂


4、apple tarts───[食品]苹果馅饼;苹果蛋糕

5、apple greens───n.苹果绿;adj.苹果绿的

6、apple cores───苹果核

7、apple green───n.苹果绿;adj.苹果绿的

apple tree是什么语法现象?

1. apple tree 是名词作定语,apple 表示树的“类别”,说明不是“梨树,桃树”等。

名词作定语,表示类别举例:children education enemy soldiers a bus driver

2. as though 是“复合型连词”,两个或几个词合成一个意义,不可拆分。又如:as if, even if, even though,so that, in order that,as soon as, as long as, in case 等

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