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junior college中文翻译,junior college是什么意思,junior college发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

junior college中文翻译,junior college是什么意思,junior college发音、用法及例句

1、junior college

junior college发音

英:  美:

junior college中文意思翻译



junior college双语使用场景

1、Only 25 % of scholarships at a junior college can be given to international students.───在初级学院,只有25%的奖学金可以提供给国际学生.

2、This junior college for professional training has recently been upgraded to a university.───这所学校刚由大专升为大本.

3、Education: university or junior college degree in and waste water or M & E is preferable.───大学本科或大专学历,最好是给排水或 机电 等相关专业.

4、Junior College or above degree, specialize in Business or related.───大专院校毕业, 商业或相关专业.

5、Todd learned data processing by doing a short stint at a junior college.───托德在一所大专学校定时听课,学习了数据处理.

6、Junior college or above, least 5 years work experience in logistic management at large foreign enterprise.───大专或以上学历.至少5年或以上大中型外资企业物流管理经验.

7、At present, more than 80 % of the PLA's cadres have received junior college or higher education.───目前, 全军干部中大专以上文化程度的已超过80%.

8、Junior College Degree or above in Engineering or Engineering.───毕业于工程专业,大专或以上学历.

9、The Junior College is qualified for restructuring as an Institute of Technology.───专科学校申请改制技术学院审查、技术学院申请改名科技大学之条件.

10、I'm studying in a junior college.───我正在一所大专就读。

11、At first embarking on a conventional path, Hill enrolled in junior college after graduating from high school.───起初希尔走的是一条传统的发展道路, 高中毕业便升入大学预科.

12、The thesis is on curriculum provision of Vocational Higher Education in junior college.───本论文的研究对象是专科层次、正规学历高等职业教育的课程设置.

13、Junior College or technical school in mechanical engineering.───机械工程专业中专以上学历.

14、Junior college degree or above, major in Accounting or Auditing, Economics or other relative subjects.───大专以上, 专业为会计和审计, 经济及其他相关专业.

15、Junior college degree of science or above.───大专以上相关学历.

16、Junior college diploma or above with basic command of English & good skills in Microsoft office tools.───大专以上学历,基本的英语听、说、读、写能力;熟练的计算机操作能力.

17、He went to a junior college and majored in computer programming.───他去了一所两年制大专学校,主修计算机编程。

18、Junior college degree or relative file management area degree.───具有大专以上,或相应的文档管理学历.

19、I couldn't transfer all my credits from junior college.───我无法把我在专科学校的所有学分都转过来。

20、Junior college in Engineering or above and with more than 5 years Supervision experience in plating.───大专以上5年以上的电镀行业工作经历.

21、Junior college for mechanical engineering, food sciences or others equivalent degree or major.───大学专科或相等学历,机械工程, 食品科学与工程等专业.

22、There were junior college students who said that Singapore was never a part of Malaysia.───居然有初级学院学生说:新加坡不曾是马来西亚的一部分.

23、Junior college or regular college course.───大专或本科学历.

24、Above junior college . Also recruit fresh graduate students.───大专以上学历;应届毕业生亦可.

25、Junior college Degree, major related with Mechanical Manufacture or Automatic Control.───大专学历, 机械制造或自动控制相关专业.

junior college相似词语短语

1、junior clerk───n.低级文员,低级职员

2、junior colleges───n.两年制专科学校,大专

3、music college───音乐学院

4、quit college───退学

5、finish college───读完大学

6、found a college───创办一所学院

7、cluster college───专科学院



桥港大学创建于1927年,当时是美国东北部各州的第一个junior college,主持着美国康州最大的工程类研究生项目,是新英格兰地区唯一的计算机科学及工程博士学位授点。美国桥港大学校园占地50英亩,在美国桥港大学75个建筑物中,有家庭式的宿舍与现代化的教室设备、图书馆,以及计算机中心。

桥港大学创建于1927年,当时是美国东北部各州的第一个junior college。桥港大学校园占地50英亩,具有海岸公园, 长岛海峡,以及纽约和Cape Cod间最好的沙岸地形,在该校75个建筑物中,有家庭式的宿舍与现代化的教室设备,图书馆,以及计算机中心。






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