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weight up中文翻译,weight up是什么意思,weight up发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

weight up中文翻译,weight up是什么意思,weight up发音、用法及例句

1、weight up

weight up发音

英:  美:

weight up中文意思翻译



weight up双语使用场景

1、Grab three-pound weights or two soup cans and do one minute each of lifting for your triceps (put your hands behind your head, with your elbows at your ears and lift the weight up and down).───握三磅重的东西或者2个汤罐头,锻炼双臂肱三头肌,(把手放置于后头,手肘靠近耳朵,上下举起负重)。

2、There's no intrinsic benefit in lifting a weight up and down -the benefit comes from the muscle growth.───把杠铃举起放下并没有本质上的好处,这好处产生在你的肌肉得到的锻炼上。

3、But, after a month later, the panda's weight up to 2 kg, after three months, up to 5, and 6 kg weight.───但是,过了一个月以后,熊猫的体重可达2公斤,过三个月后,体重可达5、6公斤重了。

4、Bed rest improves uterine blood flow and may increase birth weight up to 20 %.───卧床休息改善子宫血流,出生体重可增加高达20%.

weight up相似词语短语

1、weighed up───权衡;估量;称

2、weighs out───v.称出

3、light up───照亮;点亮

4、weight men───举重运动员

5、weighing up───权衡;估量;称

6、weighs up───权衡;估量;称

7、wait up───不睡而等候;;[口语](停下来)等…赶上;走慢点,等一等

8、weight man───举重运动员

9、weigh up───权衡;估量;称


The polar bear is a large bear species native to the Arctic region. Here is an English description of its appearance and weight:

The polar bear has a distinctive appearance with its white fur, which helps it blend in with the snowy environment. Its fur is actually transparent and hollow, which helps to trap heat from the sun and keep the bear warm in the cold Arctic climate. The polar bear has a thick layer of blubber beneath its skin, which provides insulation and buoyancy in the water.

In terms of size, adult male polar bears can weigh between 900 to 1600 pounds (400 to 725 kilograms) and measure around 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 meters) in length. Females are generally smaller, weighing between 500 to 1100 pounds (225 to 500 kilograms) and measuring around 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters) in length.

The polar bear has a large head with a long neck and a strong, muscular body. It has small ears and a short tail. Its front paws are large and powerful, which help it swim in the water and walk on the ice. The polar bear also has sharp claws that are adapted for hunting and gripping onto the ice.

Overall, the polar bear's appearance and weight are well-suited for its Arctic habitat, allowing it to survive and thrive in one of the harshest environments on Earth.

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