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take a trip中文翻译,take a trip是什么意思,take a trip发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

take a trip中文翻译,take a trip是什么意思,take a trip发音、用法及例句

1、take a trip

take a trip发音

英:  美:

take a trip中文意思翻译



take a trip双语使用场景

1、But I will also take a trip to Shanghai.───但我还要去上海一趟。

2、If I have enough money, I'm going to take a trip abroad.───如果我有足够的钱, 我就会出国旅行.

3、Could we take a trip on the West Lake?───我们可以在西湖上划船 吗 ?

4、More and more people take a trip to see the outside world.───外出旅游的人多起来了.

5、I wish to heaven I could walk in and take a trip right through the hearts of those present!───我向上天许愿,我多希望能走进那儿,到在场的人心中畅游一番!

6、It'd be fun, after the situation in Europe settles down, to take a trip over to France.───等欧洲的局势平定下来后,去法国旅行一趟应该不错。

7、She intends to take a trip to China next year.───她打算明年到中国旅行.

8、When my ship comes in, I will take a trip to Europe.───等我发了财, 我要去欧洲旅行.

9、We need to take a trip for relaxation. Where shall we go?───需要出去放松放松. 咱们去哪里?

10、CHARLEY Oh. ( Pause ) I'd like to take a trip to California.───查利:噢. ( 停顿 ) 我想上加里福尼亚去一趟.

11、It is worth while to take a trip abroad.───到国外旅行是值得的.

12、Last June I decided to take a trip to Marbella.───去年6月我决定去马贝拉旅行。

13、We want to take a trip to the mountains next spring.───明年春天我们想去山区旅游.

14、When my ship comes in, I will take a trip to Norway.───等我有钱时, 我将去一次挪威.

15、I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year.───我想在今年底环游世界.

16、be fun, after the situation in Europe settles down, to take a trip to France.───欧洲局势平定下来之后,去法国旅行将会很好玩。

17、But I will also take a trip to Hong Kong soon.───但是我很快将去香港一趟.

18、Let's take a trip to the mysterious Kanas Lake.───让我们去寻访神秘的喀纳斯湖吧.

take a trip相似词语短语

1、take a sip───尝一口;小啜;喝一小口

2、take a risk───vi.冒险

3、take a step───迈出一步;采取措施

4、take a dip───泡个澡;去游泳

5、take a hit───遭受打击;受到影响

6、take a drug───吃药

7、take a shit───拉屎(美国俚语)

2、take a trip词组


In this cicerone system, the reliable information and foundation were provided for the tourism management and tourism development of Chongqing city, and also for the people who want to take a trip to Chongqing.



After lunch, tour the historic city of La Crosse and take a trip up Granddad Bluff for a spectacular view of Old Man River.

A stroll around the block might be great but if your neighborhood is filled with traffic noise, take a trip to the park.

If they tell her she must take a trip, she does it.

In this case, the buyer does not need to take a trip to buy a money order.

In AstroTour, children wearing special 3D glasses sit in the theater to take a trip through the Universe

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