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stage fright中文翻译,stage fright是什么意思,stage fright发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

stage fright中文翻译,stage fright是什么意思,stage fright发音、用法及例句

1、stage fright

stage fright发音

英:[ˈsteɪdʒ fraɪt]  美:[ˈsteɪdʒ fraɪt]

英:  美:

stage fright中文意思翻译



stage fright双语使用场景

1、Don't be disheartened, every one will have stage fright the first time.───不要气馁, 每个人第一次登台都会憷场.

2、I'd just thrown up, and when I sat down I got stage fright.───我刚好呕吐过,当我坐下时,我有些怯场。

3、Long after her homeless days, Ella remained insecure she often suffered stage fright.───若干年后,当她无家可归的日子, 官仍然没有安全感,她常常受到怯场.

4、He acted in an unhurried manner and did not have any stage fright.───他表现得从容自若,一点都不怯场.

5、She used to have stage fright.───她过去常常怯场。

6、I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright.───我也尝试了这种方法, 果然使我摆脱了舞台恐惧症.

7、I have a stage fright.───我有怯场的毛病.

8、He was struck dumb with stage fright.───他由于怯场而讲不出话来.

9、He says he is plagued by stage fright.───皮特承认他为自己怯场而苦恼.

10、When I went to the witness stand, I had stage fright.───当我出庭作证时, 我怯场了.

11、When he was a new actor, he had stage fright.───一般指演员初次登台非常紧张的那种状态.

12、Like this arrives really develops, everybody will not have stage fright, awkwardly.───这样到真的演起来, 大家就不会怯场 、 尴尬.

13、Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.───霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。

14、How do I control fear, stage fright, anxiety, etc.───我该怎样控制恐惧 、 怯场和焦虑等?

15、One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright.───在任何一个演讲教师里,学生最主要的担心之一就是怕上台.

16、I get a stage fright.───我怯场.

17、How do you handle stage fright?───你怎么应付怯场?

18、Stage fright made clear for her bad performance.───怯场是她表演不佳的原因.

19、Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright.───即使是著名演说家,也会有怯场的时候.

20、Say their stage fright , it is better to say no confidence.───以其说怯场, 不如说不自信.

21、Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright.───有时侯我还有些怯场.

22、Did you have any stage fright?───你有戏剧舞台恐惧 么 ?

23、Helen: Carmen, I thought you had gotten over your stage fright years ago.───海伦: 卡门, 我原认为很多年以前你就已经不再怯场了.

24、I get stage fright.───怯场.

25、He has got ample stage experience, and won't get stage fright.───他有丰富的舞台经验, 不会怵场的.

stage fright相似词语短语

1、stage right───上演权

2、stage rights───上演权


4、stage frights───怯场

5、stag night───(结婚前夕新郎与其他男子共同度过的)男人晚会

6、space flight───[航]航天;宇宙飞行

7、take fright───突然受惊吓


01. Shakira所演唱的《Try Everything》。

02. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Stage Fright》。 

03. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Grey's Uh-Mad At Me》。 

04. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Ticket To Write》。 

05. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Foxy Fakeout》。 

06. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Jumbo Pop Hustle》。 

07. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Walk And Stalk》。 

08. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Not A Real Cop》。 

09. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Hopps Goes (After) The Weasel》。 

10. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《The Naturalist》。 

11. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Work Slowly And Carry A Big Shtick》。 

12. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Mr. Big》。 

13. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Case Of The Manchas》。 

14. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《The Nick Of Time》。 

15. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《World's Worst Animal Shelter》。 

16. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Some Of My Best Friends Are Predators》。 

17. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《A Bunny Can Go Savage》。 

18. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Weasel Shakedown》。

19. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Ramifications》。 

20. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Ewe Fell For It》。 

21. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Three-Toe Bandito》。 

22. Michael Giacchino所演奏的《Suite From Zootopia》。

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