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sulfur dioxide中文翻译,sulfur dioxide是什么意思,sulfur dioxide发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

sulfur dioxide中文翻译,sulfur dioxide是什么意思,sulfur dioxide发音、用法及例句

sulfur dioxide

sulfur dioxide发音

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sulfur dioxide中文意思翻译




sulfur dioxide双语使用场景

1、Instead of lava, ash, and sulfur dioxide, these volcanoes spew mud and methane.───的火山喷涌出的不是岩浆、火山灰和二氧化硫,而是泥浆和甲烷。

2、Sulfur dioxide control in fruit wine had become an important research project in food safety.───果酒酿造中的二氧化硫控制是重要的食品安全研究课题.

3、The active cooking chemicals in the sulfite process are sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, and calcium bisulfite.───亚硫酸盐法制浆过程中活性化学物质是二氧化硫 、 硫酸以及酸性亚硫酸钙.

4、NAAQSs for carbon monoxide, particulates, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, ozone, and lead.───联邦环境保护局长已经制定了《全国环境空气质量标准》,具体制定了诸如一氧化碳 、 粒 、 氧化硫、氧化氮 、 氢化合物 、 氧和铅的含量标准.

5、are mostly sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide from power plants, auto exhausts and industry.───大多为发电厂、汽车工业和汽车尾气排出的二氧化硫和二氧化氮。

6、Obviously, the focus of control sulfur dioxide emissions is still establishing the flue gas desulfurization facilities.───可见, 控制二氧化硫排放的重点仍是以建设脱硫设施为主.

7、Taking Guangzhou industrial enterprises as examples, how to control the emission of sulfur dioxide was discussed.───文章以广州市工业企业为例, 调查现有各种脱硫技术的脱硫效率,提出二氧化硫排放控制存在问题,探讨相关的对策.

8、Sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde both produce irritation.───二氧化硫和甲醛都可产生刺激.

9、Sulfur dioxide has a more venerable history as an air pollutant than any other chemical.───作为一种空气污染物来说,二氧化硫比任何其它化合物历史更悠久.

10、Bright patches visible on Io are regions of sulfur dioxide frost.───木卫一上的亮斑是二氧化硫的结晶区.

11、Flue gas desulfurization is the common method to control sulfur dioxide discharge.───烟气脱硫是控制二氧化硫排放的最常用方法.

12、The sulfur dioxide combines with water in the air, forming sulfuric acid.───二氧化硫与水结合在空气中, 形成硫酸.

13、Renewable diesel also creates far fewer sulfur dioxide, particulate, and nitrogen oxide emissions.───同时,可再生柴油排放的二氧化硫物、颗粒物和氮氧化物等要小得多。

14、Cremation pumps dioxins, hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide into the air.───火葬会把二氧(杂)芑 、 盐酸 、 二氧化硫和二氧化碳排放到大气中.

15、Unit GDP year - on - year drop 4.59 % energy , cod, sulfur dioxide emissions reduction 4.42 % 5.95 % and respectively.───单位国内生产总值能耗比上年下降4.59%, 化学需氧量 、 二氧化硫排放量分别减少4.42%和5.95%.

16、It is very important of monitoring sulfur dioxide from smoke to control and sulfur dioxide.───烟气中二氧化硫的监测对其控制和治理有着重要意义.

17、Ship operations emit nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and hazardous pollutants into the air.───船舶作业中把排出的氮氧化物 、 二氧化硫 、 微粒物质以及危害性的污染一并散播到空气中.

sulfur dioxide相似词语短语

1、sulphur trioxide───三氧化硫

2、sulfur trioxides───[无化]三氧化硫(等于sulphurtrioxide)

3、sulphur dioxides───[无化]二氧化硫

4、sulphur trioxides───三氧化硫

5、sulfur(IV) oxide───氧化硫

6、sulfur trioxide───[无化]三氧化硫(等于sulphurtrioxide)

7、sulfur (VI) oxide───硫氧化物

8、sulphur dioxide───[无化]二氧化硫

9、sulfur dioxides───[无化]二氧化硫


还原产物是二氧化硫。二氧化硫(sulfur dioxide)是最常见、最简单、有刺激性的硫氧化物,也是硫酸根还原产物,化学式SO2,无色气体,大气主要污染物之一。火山爆发时会喷出该气体,在许多工业过程中也会产生二氧化硫。由于煤和石油通常都含有硫元素,因此燃烧时会生成二氧化硫。

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