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make a face(made a face中文翻译,made a face是什么意思,made a face发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

make a face(made a face中文翻译,made a face是什么意思,made a face发音、用法及例句)

made a face

made a face发音

英:  美:

made a face中文意思翻译



made a face双语使用场景

1、Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.───打开门,她对霉味做了个鬼脸。

2、Example: Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he made a face.───我每次提出到湖里游泳,他就做出厌恶的表情。

3、He made a face and stuck his tongue out, and the girl began to cry.───他做了个怪相伸了伸舌头,那个女孩就被吓哭了。

4、Pat made a face.───帕特做了个鬼脸。

5、She stepped back and made a face in the mirror, sucking in her cheeks and arching her eyebrows.───她退后一步,朝着镜子做鬼脸,唆进腮帮子,把眉毛拱起来。

6、She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him.───她做了鬼脸,冲他吐了吐舌头。

7、Each time I mentioned taking a swim he made a face.───我每次提出去游泳,他都满脸不高兴。

8、He made a face at me when the teacher turned back .───当老师转过身时,他朝我做了个鬼脸。

9、When he made a face, the others burst into a fit of laughter.───他做个鬼脸,大家一阵大笑。

made a face相似词语短语

1、make a face───做鬼脸

2、made after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

3、face to face───面对面

4、made away───急忙离开

5、make a film───拍**;排**

6、game face───(准备好应对某个棘手的事情或者迎接挑战时的表情)

7、face a fine───面临罚款


it makes 后面跟face的faces或者a face两种形式都可以。  make a face是做鬼脸,  make faces是扮鬼脸(更吓人).  其实两个短语完全一样.单数第三人称也可以用make faces.如:  He always makes faces so as to make everyone laugh。

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