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shit on中文翻译,shit on是什么意思,shit on发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

shit on中文翻译,shit on是什么意思,shit on发音、用法及例句

1、shit on

shit on发音

英:  美:

shit on中文意思翻译



shit on双语使用场景

1、Who cares whether I have dirt or shit on it?───谁会关心我满身是脏还是满身是粪?

2、Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.───不是每个在你身上拉屎的都是你的敌人。

3、You put fucking pie shit on my coat!───你把这该死的派扔在我的外套上!

4、It throws shit on all pretensions and fictions.───它轻视一切伪装和虚构.

5、This is what happens when you sell shit , on my turf!───在我的底盘卖东西就会有这样的结果!

6、You look through all this shit on the road?───你在路上把这些破玩意儿都查过了?

7、Shit on you, you dirty loafers!───吃屎去吧, 你们这些肮脏的流浪汉!

8、I want to shit on my bed!───我想要在我的床上拉屎!

9、The world's shit on you enough, right?───这个世界已经够跟你做对的了,是吧?

10、If I shit on my criminal friends, they'll turn against me and could be violent.───如果我去告发我的罪犯朋友, 他们会反过来报复我,还可能使用暴力.

shit on相似词语短语

1、hits on───偶然发现;忽然想到


3、hot on───对…非常严厉

4、sat on───开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁听;列席

5、sit on───开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁听;列席

6、hit on───偶然发现;忽然想到

7、sent on───转送;预送

8、lit on───偶然碰见

9、set on───唆使;开始;攻击

2、求Mark Knopfler唱的Dont Crash The Ambulance歌词最好有中英对照,很不错的一首歌,感激了

Don't Crash the Ambulance歌词

Don't often open up this floor

Since I handed in my gun

What all these keys are for

Now my tour of duty's done

You got to know the switches

Now you got your turn

Watch and learn, junior

Watch and learn

Now you will get your

Trouble spots

Here's one from

Down voodoo way

Bragged he had me

By the you-know-whats

Very funny, you don't say

The big enchilada

Stealing elections

Had to go down there

Trash collection

Got his cojones

On my desk in there

Made into a souvenir

Set of cufflinks, nice pair

The rest of him's

Someplace up here

Sometimes you got to

Put a shoulder to the door

Not so fast, junior

Listen to your pa

Here, son

I'm handing over to you

Don't crash the ambulance

Whatever you do

What we have here's

A dung hole place

Thought it was fly shit

On the map

Fat bastard, ugly face

And the personal crap

You can't move the barriers

You can't mess with oil and gas

Had to go down there

Stick a couple

Aircraft carriers

In his ass

Fancy dress

Nedals chest

It's all in here

For all the gigs

Gas mask

Bullet-proof vest

Ell the usual rigs

There'll be things they missed

They didn't mention

You've even

Got a whistle in there

For attracting attention

Well, I think you're gonna

Be okay, son

You've had the tour, I guess

These two buttons

By the way

This one I hope

You never press

Some holy fool, just watch

Who's not like you or me

That one's the whole

shooting match

right there

it's the whole shitaree

we don't forget

who put us here, jack

that's page one

we talk soft

but carry a big stick

and pack the biggest gun

we don't like accidents

major or minor

you don't want yourself

an incident

don't ever invade china

here, son

I'm handing over to you

don't crash the ambulance

here, son

I'm handing over to you

don't crash the ambulance

whatever you do

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