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getacross(get across中文翻译,get across是什么意思,get across发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

getacross(get across中文翻译,get across是什么意思,get across发音、用法及例句)

get across

get across发音

英:  美:

get across中文意思翻译




get across双语使用场景

1、Mr. Brown is a good coach because he can get across the plays.───布朗先生是个好教练.因为他能把方法技巧讲清楚.

2、It's very important to calculate the necessary width when ship get across channel.───船舶通过弯曲航道所需航宽的计算对于安全生产具有十分重要的意义.

3、A fallen bridge might constrain your ability to get across a river.───一座坍塌的大桥可能对你过河的能力产生约束.

4、They really get across me!───他们实在叫我生气!

5、The bridge was destroyed, so we couldn't get across.───桥被毁坏, 我们无法通过.

6、Originally it was a technique get across a small river if there was no bridge.───在古代,如果没有桥人们就用这种方法过河.

7、Oh no!'said Dorothy.'How can we get across?───“哦,不! ”多萝西说, “ 我们可怎么过去 呢 ?”

8、Love is something we can get across without words.───就算没有言语的沟通,爱也能使双方相互感应.

9、It is still doubtful whether his performance would get across the footlights.───现在还说不准他的表演是否会受观众的欢迎.

10、I understand that if you get bail, it's easy to get across the border.───我知道一旦你获得保释, 你会很容易穿过边界.

11、I spoke slowly, but my meaning didn't get across.───我讲得很慢, 但我的意思还是没被理解.

12、Can I get across from here?───我可以从这儿穿过去吗?

13、The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river.───大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。

14、The pony dares not to get across the river without knowing its depth.───小马不知道河水的深浅,不敢过河.

15、Quick! We've got to get across.───快! 我们得过去.

16、Did your speech get across to the audience?───你的演说听众都懂了 吗 ?

17、Dora is not such a person as you, so are bound to get across her.───多拉不是你这样的人, 因此你必然和她处不好.

18、It is difficult for most teachers to get across the law of relativity to their students.───大多数老师是很难把相对论向学生讲清楚的。

19、The engineering cases show that grouting is an effective way to get across the collapsed zone.───工程实例表明注浆是一种通过冒落区的有效办法.

20、The bridge was under repair, so it took us a long time to get across.───桥正在修理, 所以我们化了很长时间才渡了过去.

21、It won't be easy, but we'll get across the river somehow.───这不是件简单的事情, 但我们将设法过河去.

22、How do we get across the river?───我们怎么过河?

23、Your meaning didn't really get across.───你的意思并未真正为别人理解。

24、It's so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights.───在有交通红绿灯的地方横穿马路要安全得多.

25、One message he wanted to get across : Philly and Lower Merion is always in his heart.───在交谈中科比也提到“费城和母校始终都在我的内心深处”.

26、Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.───如果你用了过多的专业术语,你的论文就不会被人理解.

27、He hurried down to help us get across the river.───他急忙下来帮助我们过河.

28、To get across that distance, you have to be a mouse.───要穿过这段距离, 只有老鼠才行.

29、They were neighbours for years, but used to get across each other.───他俩是多年的邻居, 但常常不和.

30、Your meaning didn't really get across.───你的意思别人并未真正理解.

31、To get across town, you can take the shuttle from Times Square to Grand Central.───要横穿市区, 你可以乘坐时代广场到中央车站的穿梭巴士.

32、Mr. Murphy is so good a teacher that he can get across these problems.───墨菲先生是位好老师,他能说明这些问题.

33、Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?───那么,概括来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?

get across相似词语短语

1、to get across───穿越

2、cut across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

3、got across───(使)越过;(使)横穿马路;(使)被了解;让…听懂(getacross的过去式和过去分词)

4、gets across───vi.通过;使...被理解

5、put across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚

6、cuts across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

7、puts across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚





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