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toheart(to heart中文翻译,to heart是什么意思,to heart发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

toheart(to heart中文翻译,to heart是什么意思,to heart发音、用法及例句)

to heart

to heart发音

英:  美:

to heart中文意思翻译



to heart双语使用场景

1、Under this circumstance, we could assign a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him trying to get rid of misunderstanding.───面对这样的情况,我们可以找个合适的时间和他进行心与心的交流,努力解除误解

2、If someone says something critical I take it to heart.───如果谁说一些批评的话,我就往心里去。

3、We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart or say things honestly and truthfully.───我们将有心对心的交谈。我说话发自内心或诚实的真诚的说事情。

4、The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease.───这项研究确实表明吸烟会导致心脏疾病。

5、Come on, friends, Do not Gerou, you and me, Heart linked to heart, Height to see the forest!───来吧,朋友,千万别割肉,我和你,心连心,高岗看森林。

6、Stress can predispose people to heart attacks.───紧张容易使人心脏病发作。

7、We often forget how much kids take parental criticisms to heart and how much these affect their feelings about themselves.───我们常常忽视孩子内心是多么在意家长的批评,忽视这些批评对他们的感情影响有多大。

8、Instead, he returned and went into his palace, and did not take even this to heart.───法老转身进宫,也不把这事放在心上。

9、The man took this advice to heart and returned after a month to say that he had learned to listen to every word his wife was saying.───男子真心诚意的接受了他的建议返回了。一个月后,他又回来对大师说,他已经学会了去听他妻子所说的每一句话。

to heart相似词语短语

1、to halt───停止

2、at heart───本质上,内心里


4、by heart───凭记忆,记牢

5、to heat───加热

6、to hear───听

7、to unheart───闻所未闻

8、to haft───有两个

9、to hearten───振奋



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