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tap on中文翻译,tap on是什么意思,tap on发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

tap on中文翻译,tap on是什么意思,tap on发音、用法及例句

tap on

tap on发音

英:  美:

tap on中文意思翻译

轻轻敲击(某物的表面), 轻击…(某部位)


tap on双语使用场景

1、There was a tap on the window.───有人在轻叩窗户.

2、With point of toe sharply tap on ground and up again.───脚尖(铁片前端)举高敲击地板竣事时脚板逗留在空中.

3、A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in.───敲门声打断了他,萨莉·皮尔斯走了进来。

4、Someone has left the tap on , ie The water is running.───有人忘了关水龙头了.

5、We've got all the information permanently on tap on a computer.───我们把所有的信息储存在计算机里,以便随时调用.

6、His mother gave him a tap on the shoulder.───他的妈妈轻轻地拍了一下他的肩膀.

7、She felt a light tap on her shoulder.───她感到有人在她肩上轻轻地拍了一下。

8、I hear a tap on the door.───我听见门上敲了一下.

9、The sound of a sharp tap on a hard surface; a rap.───敲击声:在坚硬的表面上的急促敲击的声音; 敲击声.

10、There came a gentle tap on the door.───门上有了轻微的敲门声.

11、He gave me a tap on the shoulder.───他轻轻拍了一下我的肩膀.

12、Just tap on the screen to fire.───只要触击屏幕就能开火了.

13、He felt a tap on his shoulder.───他觉得有人轻拍他的肩膀.

14、The tap on the door came again.───敲门声又起了.

15、A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in.───轻轻的敲门声打断了他,萨莉•皮尔斯进来了。

16、Chenayya felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the Tamilian boy.───成内亚感觉到有人敲了敲他的肩膀, 是泰米尔小伙计.

17、He gave her a gentle tap on the back.───他温柔地拍了一下她的背.

18、He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round.───他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀便转过身来。

tap on相似词语短语

1、harp on───喋喋不休

2、tags on───尾随;紧随

3、clap on───用力扣上;匆匆戴上

4、step on───vt.踩上…;踏上…

5、stamp on───阻拦;踩踏

6、tag on───尾随;紧随

7、tap out───敲打出



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