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fueled by中文翻译,fueled by是什么意思,fueled by发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

fueled by中文翻译,fueled by是什么意思,fueled by发音、用法及例句

1、fueled by

fueled by发音

英:  美:

fueled by中文意思翻译




fueled by双语使用场景

1、We want an economy that's fueled by what we invent and what we build.───我们需要的是由我们发明的(技术)和制造的(产品)所推动的经济”。

2、You found a fairy tale, and inspired by love, fueled by desire, you set out a journey to make her real.───你找到了一个童话,在爱的启发下,在渴望的推动下,你开始了自己的旅程并把她变成了真实。

3、The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges.───她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋…

4、Fueled by oil, the country's economy was more like that of an Arabian emirate than a Central African nation.───在石油推升下,加彭的经济比较像个阿拉伯大公国,而不像中非国家。

5、With risk currencies falling, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded.───随着风险货币走软,分析师称,中国承诺增强汇率波动性引发的乐观情绪明显消退。

6、There is such a sharp turnaround, especially since it is largely fueled by easy money.───特别是有了宽松货币的有力支撑以后,形势出现了如此大的逆转。

7、The National Bureau of Statistics said the overall increase in the consumer price index was fueled by rises in food and oil prices.───国家统计局称,食品和石油价格的上涨促成了消费者价格指数的整体上扬。

8、cars aren't fueled by loving kindness.───汽车不是以爱的仁慈为燃料。

9、It might have no magic, for instance, only powers fueled by alien science; or it may have magic but only modern, real-world technology.───例如,它可能是非魔法的,异能仅来源于外星人科技;或者它可能具有魔法不过仅仅是现代真实的技术。

fueled by相似词语短语


2、followed by───vt.然后,随后;续集


4、full and by───完整的

5、abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

6、fueled oil───燃料油,燃油,重油


8、fuelled oil───燃料油



be fueled by由……刺激引起例句:

1.The result would be a huge blow not only to China's export sector but to the entire Chinese economy, which is fueled by that export sector.此结果不仅对中国出口业是巨大打击,对以出口业为动力的整个中国经济也将是当头一棒。

2.The race to be slightly famous is on, and it's being fueled by the social and tribal connections permitted by the net.一个让自己稍微著名起来的比赛已经开始了,而且在网络推动下,社会和团体的交流推动了这一进程。

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