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没影点(vanishing point中文翻译,vanishing point是什么意思,vanishing point发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

没影点(vanishing point中文翻译,vanishing point是什么意思,vanishing point发音、用法及例句)

vanishing point

vanishing point发音

英:[ˈvænɪʃɪŋ pɔɪnt]  美:[ˈvænɪʃɪŋ pɔɪnt]

英:  美:

vanishing point中文意思翻译




vanishing point双语使用场景

1、Vanishing Point What Vanishing Point is and how to edit images with perspective.───消失点消失点是什么以及如何编辑与角度的图像.

2、As a result variety is dwindling towards a vanishing point.───正由于此,多样的种质资源正向消失的边缘缩进.

3、A linear camera calibration method with vanishing point and the invariance of cross - ratio is proposed.───在已知一个消隐点的情况下,利用交比不变性及消隐点的知识对摄像机进行标定.

4、A vanishing point. The illusion of convergence.───那相交点正在消失,是对会合的幻觉.

5、Adds an additional vanishing point that you can use to change the perspective of individual shapes.───拖到绘图页后,可以添加一个附加没影点,以便更改单个形状的透视效果.

6、This avoids the reduction of background elements dictated by the geometry of vanishing point perspective view.───这样可以避免背景元素被透视法的几何学方式支配.

7、The highway stretched out ahead of me until it narrowed to a vanishing point some miles away.───公路在我面前延伸开去,直至在几英里外的远处变成一个小点。

8、The motorway stretched out ahead of me until it narrowed to a vanishing point some miles away.───高速公路在我面前延伸开去,直至在几英里外汇合成一个小点。

9、Everybody accepts that the threat has now shrunk to vanishing point.───现在每个人都认为,威胁已几近消失了。

10、Now paste it into the Vanishing Point filter.───现在将它粘贴到消失点滤镜中。

11、After that steep climb my strength reached vanishing point.───爬上那陡坡之后我再也没劲了.

12、By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point.───到1973年,这一差距已缩小到几乎为零。

13、Our funds have reached ( the ) vanishing point.───我们基金即将用尽了.

vanishing point相似词语短语

1、flashing point───闪点;闪燃点

2、vanishing act───消失行为

3、vanishing sprays───消失的喷雾

4、vanishing trick───消失术

5、aiming point───n.[军]瞄准点;觇点

6、aiming points───瞄准点

7、vanishing tricks───消失的把戏

8、vanishing points───消失点;尽头;[数]没影点

9、basing point───基点;交货基点


灭点:在透视投影中,一束平行于投影面的平行线的投影可以保持平行,而不平行于投影面的平行线的投影会聚集到一个点,这个点成为灭点(Vanishing Point)。灭点可以看作是无限远处的一点在投影面上的投影。

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