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milk thistle中文翻译,milk thistle是什么意思,milk thistle发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

milk thistle中文翻译,milk thistle是什么意思,milk thistle发音、用法及例句

1、milk thistle

milk thistle发音

英:  美:

milk thistle中文意思翻译



milk thistle双语使用场景

1、Other herbs that don't work effectively as teas include echinacea, milk thistle, and saw palmetto.───其他没有像药茶那样有效的草药包括松果菊、奶蓟和锯齿棕。

2、Calculate the content of silymarin, in percentage, in the portion of Milk Thistle taken by adding the individual percentages.───水飞蓟素含量计算,以百分比的比例加入私家采纳奶蓟部分。

3、Thistle: Milk thistle has been reported to have protective effects on the liver and to greatly improve its function.───水飞蓟: 据报告水飞蓟对肝脏有保护作用,并大大改善其功能。

4、Echinacea purpurea root, Kola leaf, Milk Thistle seed , Cleaver herb , Nettle leaf, Burdock root , Rosehip shells.───紫松果,雷公根叶, 牛奶蓟, 牛筋草, 荨麻叶, 牛蒡, 玫瑰果.

5、Milk Thistle is a unique herb which contains a natural compound called silymarin.───水飞蓟(乳蓟)是一种独特的草药,内含水飞蓟素,可以养肝.

6、Dioscorides wrote that Milk Thistle seeds could be to treat snake bites.───迪奥斯科里季斯曾写到,水飞蓟的种子可以用来对付蛇的咬伤.

milk thistle相似词语短语

1、milk thistles───水飞蓟;奶蓟草;牛奶蓟

2、musk thistles───麝香蓟

3、milk white───n.乳白色;adj.乳白色的

4、bull thistles───矛叶蓟

5、holy thistle───水飞蓟

6、bull thistle───矛叶蓟

7、musk thistle───麝香蓟

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0008446B SteelBlueEntolomaCap Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap

0002EE72 ImpGall Imp Gall(00033697 SpiddalStick Spiddal Stick)

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00022E5B FrostSalts Frost Salts(00009182 VampireDust Vampire Dust)

0003367D Harrada Harrada

000A792C MilkThistleSeeds Milk Thistle Seeds

000A793E WormwoodLeaves Wormwood Leaves(00033697 SpiddalStick Spiddal Stick)

00033697 SpiddalStick Spiddal Stick

0002EE72 ImpGall Imp Gall

00022E5B FrostSalts Frost Salts

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