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clearup(clear up中文翻译,clear up是什么意思,clear up发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

clearup(clear up中文翻译,clear up是什么意思,clear up发音、用法及例句)

clear up

clear up发音

英:  美:

clear up中文意思翻译

(天空)放晴; 治疗; 处理; 解释


clear up双语使用场景

1、Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection.───应该用抗生素消除感染。

2、I'll clear up the mess later.───我呆会儿会把滴落的水擦干净。

3、The weather won't clear up until the rainy season is over.───雨季不结束天不会放晴.

4、There's a lot of mess to clear up.───有许多脏东西要清理.

5、In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.───这种病很多情况下会自愈。

6、It's time to clear up.───该打扫了。

7、This herbal medicine will soon clear up your cold.───这种草药能很快治好你的感冒.

8、The clear-up rate for murders remains high.───谋杀案的破案率一直很高。

9、I called for the butler to clear up the broken crockery.───我叫来男管家清理摔碎的陶瓷。

10、Okay, children, we'll clear up the room now.───好啦, 孩子们, 咱们现在打扫房间吧.

11、We might try to clear up some of the cabins in the superstructure.───我们或许可以设法清理出船上层的一些客舱。

12、Let's try to clear up our difficult and doubtful points.───让我们设法把难处和疑点解决一下.

13、I'd like to clear up my work by the weekend.───我想在周末前做完我的工作.

14、When you finish your dinner, please clear up the kitchen.───吃完晚饭后, 请你将厨房收拾干净.

15、This skin disease will clear up in a day or two.───这种皮肤病一两天之内就会好的.

16、We'll have to clear up all this clutter.───我们得把这一切凌乱的东西整理清楚.

17、Shall we clear up before we go out?───我们是不是在出去前把东西收拾好?

18、The Metropolitan Police say clear-up figures were improved.───伦敦警方称破案率在过去有所提高。

clear up相似词语短语

1、clears up───清理;放晴;整理;打扫

2、clean up───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)

3、cleared up───清理;放晴;整理;打扫

4、clear out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

5、cleans up───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)

6、clear ups───清理;放晴;整理;打扫

7、clean ups───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)

8、clear cut───清楚的,明确的;轮廓鲜明的







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