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iced tea(ice tea中文翻译,ice tea是什么意思,ice tea发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

iced tea(ice tea中文翻译,ice tea是什么意思,ice tea发音、用法及例句)

ice tea

ice tea发音

英:  美:

ice tea中文意思翻译



ice tea双语使用场景

1、I like to drink fruit juice and ice tea.───我喜欢喝果汁和冰茶。

2、Two hot dogs and an ice tea, please.───两个热狗,一杯冰茶.

3、Ice tea is almost always served in a tall glass of ice.───通常来讲,冰茶都是放在有冰的高脚杯中卖的.

4、Example: " Would you like some more ice tea or French fries? "───例句2. “ 你还想要更多的冰茶或薯条 吗 ? ”

5、" It's pretty hot. Would you like an ice tea? "───“ 热得很, 你要喝杯茶 吗 ?

6、I was dying of thirst, and that cup of ice tea hit the spot.───我渴得要命, 那杯冰茶正好解渴.

7、Mulder: If there's an ice tea in that bag, could be love.───穆德: 如果袋子里装的是冰红茶, 那可能是[爱]喔!

8、Come on, have some ice tea and cool off.───来, 喝点冰茶,凉快一下.

9、Ice tea is a simple matter, or can be said that perfect match.───奶茶加冰是件简单的事情, 或者可以说是绝配.

10、Ice tea is another popular summertime drink in America.───冰茶是另一种很盛行的夏日饮品.

11、Every morning I make a pitcher of ice tea.───每天早晨我做一罐冰茶.

12、This is supposed to be ice tea, but it tastes of sugared water.───这据说是冰茶, 可是喝着却像糖水.

13、Do you want some ice tea?───你想喝冰茶吗?

14、After playing tennis for a while, glass of ice - tea really hits the spot.───打了一会儿网球后, 一杯冰茶正合我意.

15、Do you want hot tea or ice tea?───你想要热茶还是冰茶?

ice tea相似词语短语

1、ice teas───冰茶(PS游戏转换工具);冰红茶;冰过的茶

2、ice trays───冰块盘子;制冰块的盘子

3、ice men───冰球运动员;冰人

4、ice tray───冰块盘子;制冰块的盘子

5、ice cream───冰淇淋

6、iced tea───冰茶;冰红茶

7、iced teas───冰茶(PS游戏转换工具);冰红茶;冰过的茶



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