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move off中文翻译,move off是什么意思,move off发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

move off中文翻译,move off是什么意思,move off发音、用法及例句

move off

move off发音

英:  美:

move off中文意思翻译



move off双语使用场景

1、This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.───这种驾驶方法可以让你用三档发动汽车以减少结冰情况下的车轮打滑。

2、When it's icy, move off in second.───有冰时,起步挂二挡。

3、The car stand at the traffic light for a few moment, then move off.───那辆汽车在交通灯前停了一会儿, 然后驶去了.

4、This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.───在这个驾驶模式下你可以挂3挡起步,以减少轮子在结冰路面上打滑的现象。

5、We move off towards the smell of the toxic shopfloor.───我们朝着毒气难闻的车间走去.

6、A history moisture move off the man of pen, leaving Canruo stars of the poetry chapter.───滋润了历代迁客骚人的生花妙笔, 留下了灿若繁星的诗章.

7、The lorries were lined up, ready to move off.───卡车都排好队, 准备出发.

8、A few minutes later, the whistle sounded and the train began to move off.───几分钟后, 汽笛响了,火车启动了.

9、I want to move off campus.───我要搬出去,在校外住.

10、How easily could someone move off the project?───某人能轻而易举地离开项目吗?

move off相似词语短语

1、moved off───vi.离开;出发,走掉;死;畅销

2、come off───举行,成功;表现;脱离

3、drove off───驱散;击退;驾车离去

4、cone off───v.用锥形信号标明

5、moves off───离开

6、shove off───离开;开船

7、stove off───关闭炉子

8、gave off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

9、doze off───打瞌睡;困倦



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