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source of中文翻译,source of是什么意思,source of发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

source of中文翻译,source of是什么意思,source of发音、用法及例句

source of

source of发音

英:  美:

source of中文意思翻译



source of双语使用场景

1、Dell said China is the company's second-biggest source of revenue, behind the U. S. , and is a key growth country for the computer maker.───戴尔说,中国不仅是该公司第二大营收来源地(仅次于美国),也是它保持增长的关键市场。

2、They're a great source of English input as the language is often written in a simple, spoken style.───它们是英文输入的一个很好的资源,因为语言往往是以很简单的、口语风格写的。

3、Do not have a foreign language as if the lack of a thought, the lack of a crucial source of the same knowledge.───没有掌握外语犹如缺乏一种思想,缺少了一个重要的知识源泉一样。

4、Plants are the ultimate source of all foodstuffs.───植物是所有食物的最终来源。

5、Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.───梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。

6、What is their main source of income?───他们的主要收入来源是什么?

7、Finally, Scriptural reference is often given for the source of the genealogical placement.───最后,圣经常常提到给予安置源系谱。

8、Ask her to lengthen the leash, lest you start seeing her as a restraint to happiness rather than the source of it.───建议他把链条放长一点,免得你把它看做是幸福的一种约束力而非源泉。

9、Desktop wallpapers have always been a great source of inspiration and the best way to spice up your dull desktop.───笔记本电脑壁纸总能给人愉悦的感觉,并能让你死气沉沉的电脑焕发无限生机。

source of相似词语短语

1、more of───更多的


3、source books───原始资料

4、source book───原始资料


6、source codes───源码

7、source code───源代码;源程序


source of release释放源; 双语例句 If you've done a good job of modularizing your source code, you need a way to keep track of which modules ( and versions) go with each release of your application.如果源代码很好地实行了模块化,那么需要有一种方式来跟踪应用程序在每次发布时包含了哪些模块(和版本)。

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