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keep you中文翻译,keep you是什么意思,keep you发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

keep you中文翻译,keep you是什么意思,keep you发音、用法及例句

keep you

keep you发音

英:  美:

keep you中文意思翻译



keep you双语使用场景

1、Here are a few tips to help you, the workaholic, refocus and get the best out of life and keep you healthy and alive in the long run too!───以下是对工作狂的一些建议,以帮助你汲取生活的精华,使你活得更健康长寿。

2、Goals give you move than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day.───宏伟的目标给予你的不仅仅是一个早早起床的理由,它会激励着你整天高速运转。

3、We have couple of things we were looking at, but I'd like to tell the people is to keep you eyes with me, you will be seeing us soon.───有些事很难说,我们手头的确有一俩个项目,但是我要说的是,请继续关注我,相信在不久的将来你们就能看到我了。

4、Supposed differences that have been played upon by the dark Ones to keep you apart, will be quickly overcome.───假如由于黑暗势力控制你们处于分离状态而导致的不同,将会很快解决。

5、These exercises will help to keep you supple.───这些锻炼项目有助于你保持身体的柔韧性。

6、and-and I promise that I'll keep you safe and warm until you're ready to have them take you home, so. . . Oh!───我会保证你们的安全和温暖,直到你们准备好回家,那么…哦!

7、Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning. "───摩西队百姓说:“不要惧怕,因为神降临是要试验你们,叫你们时常敬畏他,不至犯罪。”

8、We'll keep you up to date with any news.───我们将让你了解最新消息。

keep you相似词语短语

1、keep out───阻止进入

2、keep house───当家,管理家务

3、keep on───继续;穿着…不脱

4、keep down───v.控制;镇压;缩减

5、keep to───坚持;遵守;信守;固守(习惯等)

6、keep count───保持计数

7、see you───再见;回头见





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