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laughing stock中文翻译,laughing stock是什么意思,laughing stock发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

laughing stock中文翻译,laughing stock是什么意思,laughing stock发音、用法及例句

laughing stock

laughing stock发音

英:  美:

laughing stock中文意思翻译



laughing stock双语使用场景

1、Now, thanks to you, I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom.───现在可好,真得感谢你,我成了整个王国的一个笑柄。

2、I'll be a laughing stock!───我会成为笑柄的!

3、I can't wear this to the party! I'll be a laughing stock!───我不能穿这个去参加聚会! 我会成为笑柄的!

4、His smart aleck comments made him the laughing stock of the class.───他自以为聪明的评价让他成为班上的笑柄.

5、Tony chickened out of the car race and made himself a laughing stock.───托尼在车赛中临阵退缩,沦为笑柄.

6、And unfortunate is, it became a laughing stock almost however now.───而不幸的是, 它现在却几乎成了一个笑柄.

7、You can make yourself a laughing stock by using idioms in a incorrect way.───有的时候,误用成语是会贻笑大方的.

8、Abroad, the Kaczynskis repeatedly misplayed their hand, making their country, once a respected ally, a laughing stock and a nuisance.───在国外,卡钦斯基(Kaczynski)再三犯规,把一度受尊重的盟国变为笑料和讨人厌的国家。

9、In 8 mins we have become the laughing stock of the world.───在这8分钟,我们已成为世界笑柄.

10、Listen, I'm not your laughing stock!───听著, 我可不是你的笑柄!

11、He did not get his by the hare but a laughing stock in the state.───当然,兔子是没等到,他自己却成了宋国的笑柄.

12、I can't wear that! I'd be a laughing stock.───我可不能戴那个东西!否则会成为笑柄的。

13、You made me the laughing stock of the neighborhood.───你让我成为附近邻居的笑话.

14、Not unrealistic, it will be a laughing stock of others.───根本不现实, 只会作为别人的笑柄而已.

15、Our FIFA embarrassed at becoming a laughing stock.───我们的国际足联对于成为笑柄非常尴尬.

16、I couldn't argue a man like that in public. He'd make a laughing stock of me.───我不能在公开场合同那种人争论, 否则他会使我成为大家的笑柄.

17、Everything patriotic is a laughing stock.───一切爱国主义的东西都成了笑料.

18、His constant blunders made him the laughing stock of the whole class.───他总是出错,成了全班的笑柄.

19、What an embarrassing, pathetic, laughing stock of a football club we Another day , another blunder.───以下是该俱乐部起诉的一些评论:“我们的足球俱乐部沦落到多尴尬 、 可怜 、 惹人笑的地步”.

20、You may now become the laughing stock of fans all over the world!───你现在成了全世界球迷的笑柄!

21、Now he was going to turn himself into the laughing stock of Pisa.───现在,他将使自己成为比萨城的笑料了.

22、The inconsistent application of the rules makes F 1's race stewards a laughing stock.───规则应用的不稳定性使得F1的比赛干事成了一堆笑料.

23、He becomes the laughing stock when his pants split open.───他的裤子开裂使他成为众人的笑柄.

laughing stock相似词语短语

1、housing stock───住宅;现有公屋单位数目

2、launching shoes───下水鞋


4、laughing off───用笑摆脱

5、laughing matter───无关紧要的事;好笑的事


7、laughing stocks───n.笑柄

8、laughing down───用笑声打断或拒绝;笑着消磨时间


laughing stock怎么读?

laughing stock 英[ˈlæfɪŋ stɔk] 美[ˈlæfɪŋ stɑk] n. 笑柄; 希望能够帮助到你

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