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stand a chance (of)(stand a chance of中文翻译,stand a chance of是什么意思,stand a chance of发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

stand a chance (of)(stand a chance of中文翻译,stand a chance of是什么意思,stand a chance of发音、用法及例句)

stand a chance of

stand a chance of发音

英:  美:

stand a chance of中文意思翻译




stand a chance of双语使用场景

1、When you can awaken to this, you will wish to recapture what is real for only then will you stand a chance of living and growing.───当你觉醒到这一切,你将希望重温真实,因为唯有如此,你才有可能生活与成长。

2、Jim wants a scholarship to Harvard but he doesn't stand a chance of getting one.───吉姆想拿哈佛大学的奖学金,但是不太可能。

3、I think we may stand a chance of witnessing the Queen to arrive the Buckingham Palace.───我想我们很有可能亲眼目睹女王到达白金汉宫.

4、If you don't try, you don't stand a chance of gaining anything.───如果你不尝试, 将会一无所获.

5、And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?───您可以为我留一张靠窗的桌子 吗 ?

6、In times like these he didn't stand a chance of getting another job.───在现在这样的时期,他不可能找到别的工作.

7、But if you win, you don't stand a chance of going out with her brother.───但如果你赢了, 你就没机会跟她哥哥出去了.

8、If you go all the way, you stand a chance of getting pregnant.───如果你干那种事的话, 很有可能怀孕.

9、If you find yourself sitting opposite a crusty old banker or impossible-to-please venture capitalist, believe me, they don't stand a chance of rejecting you, not with your star power.───如果你某天面对着一个苦瓜脸老掉牙的银行家或者是形如枯槁心如死灰的风险投资者的话,别担心,他们对你绝无抵挡之力,哦,处处们,谁会拒绝光芒四射的你呢?

stand a chance of相似词语短语

1、grab a chance───抓住机会

2、stand a show───较小机会

3、increase the chance of───增加死亡的机会

4、stand a chance───有希望;有可能

5、take a chance───vt.冒险

6、in advance of───超过;在…前面

7、seize a chance───抓住机会

8、to stand a chance───有机会

9、stand in awe of───敬畏


Will not的缩写是won't

Do not 的缩写是don't

Does not 的缩写是doesn't

Did not 的缩写是didn't

Can not的缩写是can't

Could not的缩写是couldn't

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