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first things first(first two中文翻译,first two是什么意思,first two发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

first things first(first two中文翻译,first two是什么意思,first two发音、用法及例句)

first two

first two发音

英:  美:

first two中文意思翻译



first two双语使用场景

1、I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.───本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否安排会面,就以上建议作一详谈?

2、He was not the kind of traditional conservative Republican that Roosevelt had defeated so easily in his first two campaigns.───他不是那种传统的保守的共和党,罗斯福曾败在他前两个战役那么容易。

3、This means April through the first two weeks of May will not be a time to sign contracts, to initiate new ventures of any kind.───这意味着从4月到5月的头两个星期不是订立合同或从事任何形式投资的好时候。

4、The first two of these are common English sounds found in words such as but and caught.───这三个音中前两个是很常见的,可以在 but 和 caught 这样的单词中碰到。

5、Companies in the first two businesses view the iPad's arrival with trepidation, for Apple's history makes it a fearsome competitor.───前两个行业的企业对iPad问世感到恐惶,因为苹果公司的历史证明其是令人生畏的竞争者。

6、two floors of the building contain retail space and a restaurant.───该大楼最底下两层有零售空间和一家餐馆。

7、first two to arrive are his cousins.───最先到达的两个是他的表兄弟。

8、Experts believe that in life, the most basic one of the most common first two potential: nodding or shaking his head.───专家认为在生活中,一个人最基本最普遍的头势有两种:点头或摇头。

9、But how much does the first two games of an NBA season mean?───但对于NBA一个赛季前两场比赛代表什么意思?

first two相似词语短语

1、first aid───急救;急救护理

2、first down───第一次进攻

3、first thing───第一件事;一大早;最重要的事情

4、first run───首轮放映;(新片)首映期

5、first blood───第一次流血;首战告捷

6、first mates───(海军)大副

7、first floor───(美式)一楼;(英式)二楼

8、first water───一次蒸馏水;第一流;最上品

9、first off───开始时





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