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lining up中文翻译,lining up是什么意思,lining up发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

lining up中文翻译,lining up是什么意思,lining up发音、用法及例句

lining up

lining up发音

英:  美:

lining up中文意思翻译



lining up双语使用场景

1、That is what I felt from small things like lining up.───那是什么我从小事感觉象排队.

2、University lecturers are largely lining up alongside the students.───大部分讲师都是站在学生这边.

3、people were slaughtered while lining up to cast their votes.───人在排队投票时遭屠杀。

4、Many people are lining up. Can you see that?───有很多人在排队, 你看见了 吗 ?

5、They're lining up in position for the kick off.───他们排起阵势准备开球.

6、This is a lining up to us a beautiful plant, elegant grace.───这是一种排着队呈现给我们的精美植物, 风度优雅.

7、People are lining up to come.───人们都在期待着能过来。

8、team is in debt while others are lining up to cherry-pick their best players.───债,而别的队正在排队挑捡他们最好的运动员。

9、They are lining up in position for the kickoff.───他们正排起阵势准备开球.

10、Theyre lining up in position for the kickoff.───他们正摆开阵势准备开球.

11、The potential girls for Bond 21 are lining up already.───有望出演007系列第21部影片的邦女郎们都已集中在了一起.

12、Aston are lining up a move for Arsenal right back Justin Hoyte.───阿斯度维拉与买入阿森纳右后卫霍伊特联系在一起.

13、Voters were lining up at polling places as early as 6.00 this morning, an hour before voting started.───早至今天早晨6点、离投票开始还有1个小时,选民就开始在投票点排队。

14、Buck rejected suggestions that rival clubs were lining up moves for Mourinho.───布克同时驳斥了有关一些竞争对手正在打穆帅主意的说法.

15、People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps.───人们正在排队购买纪念邮票.

16、I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.───我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看**.

17、Why are people lining up over there?───人们在那边排队干什么?

18、They kept lining up blind dates for me.───他们不停地为我牵线搭桥,帮我安排约会.

lining up相似词语短语

1、landing up───到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞

2、winding up───清算;停业清理

3、livening up───使…有生气

4、ringing up───打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机

5、joining up───联合起来;连接;参军

6、boning up───抓紧温习;突击钻研;刻苦用功读书

7、signing up───签约雇用,签约参加

8、living up───v.快乐地过日子

9、linking up───[机]操纵杆加速操作


hour 英[ˈaʊə(r)]


n. 小时,钟头; 时间,时刻; 固定时间; 课时;

[网络] 时时; 小时; 钟头;

[例句]Voters were lining up at polling places as early as 6.00 this morning, an hour before voting started.


[其他] 复数:hours

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