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traumatic brain injury中文翻译,traumatic brain injury是什么意思,traumatic brain injury发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

traumatic brain injury中文翻译,traumatic brain injury是什么意思,traumatic brain injury发音、用法及例句

1、traumatic brain injury

traumatic brain injury发音

英:  美:

traumatic brain injury中文意思翻译



traumatic brain injury双语使用场景

1、Hyperbaric oxygen for traumatic brain injury . [ comment ] .───高压氧 治疗颅脑损伤.

2、Objective To summarize clinical operation rescue experience in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.───目的总结分析对特重型对冲性颅脑损伤手术治疗体会.

3、To investigate the clinical significance of urgent surgical treatment for severe traumatic brain injury.───探讨重型颅脑损伤紧急手术救治过程安排的临床意义.

4、Objective To investigate the clinical features and the treatments of severe traumatic brain injury after intoxication.───目的总结醉酒后重型颅脑损伤的临床特点及治疗.

5、Objective : To explore clinical symptoms and factor of mental disorder caused by traumatic brain injury.───目的: 探讨脑外伤后所致精神障碍的临床表现类型以及受损部位与精神障碍的关系.

6、Terms more commonly used include abusive head trauma or inflicted traumatic brain injury.───更常用的术语有虐待性头部外伤或人为创伤性脑损伤。

7、The author introduces MRS and its application research on the traumatic brain injury.───本文对磁共振波谱分析原理及在外伤性脑损伤中的应用研究作一简要介绍.

8、Objective : To study the expression of purinoceptor P 2 X 4 subunit after the traumatic brain injury in rats.───目的: 观察大鼠脑外伤后嘌呤受体亚型P2X4的表达水平.

9、Distortion of balance is often a consequence of traumatic brain injury.───平衡失真往往是创伤性脑损伤带来的结果。

10、Objective To explore the effect of estradiol benzoate on traumatic brain injury ( TBI ).───目的探讨雌激素在颅脑创伤中的作用.

11、Mild traumatic brain injury, pain, and substance abuse are common.───轻度颅脑损伤,疼痛,药物滥用是常见的。

12、Neuronal necrosis and apoptosis play vital roles in the brain dysfunction post - traumatic brain injury ( TBI ).───创伤性脑损伤 ( TBI ) 诱发神经元病理性坏死和凋亡是脑功能障碍的重要原因.

traumatic brain injury相似词语短语

1、traumatic incident───创伤性事件

2、repetitive strain injury───(肢体的)重复性劳损

3、repetitive strain injuries───(肢体的)重复性劳损

4、hamstring injury───奈绳肌损伤

5、traumatic memory───创伤记忆

6、traumatic experience───惨痛的经历

7、suffer an injury───受到伤害

8、;ain injury───脑损伤



软组织损伤处理的新原则:PEACE 和 LOVE


我们提出了两个新的略写词来进一步优化软组织损伤的康复过程。我们的方法包括急性护理期 PEACE(和平)原则和后续管理的 LOVE(爱)原则。PEACE & LOVE概述了健康教育和心理社会因素对康复的重要性。此外,虽然消炎药对疼痛和功能的恢复有好处,但我们认为其对组织的修复具有潜在的有害影响,因此我们不建议使用它们来促进软组织恢复。






















处理软组织损伤不仅仅是短期的损伤控制。与其他损伤相似,临床医生应着眼于长期的结果。无论处理脚踝扭伤还是韧带拉伤,我们希望这篇“Bolg @ British Journal of Sports Medicine”上的这篇“Soft tissue injuries simply need PEACE & LOVE”文章,能鼓励临床医生给和平(PEACE)一个机会,或许所有的软组织损伤都需要爱(LOVE)。


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