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make up for(made up for中文翻译,made up for是什么意思,made up for发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

make up for(made up for中文翻译,made up for是什么意思,made up for发音、用法及例句)

made up for

made up for发音

英:  美:

made up for中文意思翻译



made up for双语使用场景

1、To see my Mother's prayers answered more than made up for the boots I never got.───看见母亲祈祷,我感觉比得到那双从没得到过的靴子更加满足。

2、We well made up for it with the amount of food that came in.───我们用捐赠进来的食物数量很好的弥补了这个损失。

3、But when I stretched the naps during the day, I felt more tired at night and made up for it by taking more frequent naps at night.───不过因为白天的时间缺乏足够的小睡次数,所以我会觉得很累,并在晚上补回所缺的小睡。

4、Immigration and the property bubble made up for these failings for a while, but no longer.───外来移民和房产泡沫也许会暂时弥补一下上述的不足,但并不是长久之计。

5、In a frenzied few days, however, Mr Zapatero has made up for it, with appearances in six countries from Chile to Turkey.───在很多天的繁忙中,Zapatero先生出现在从智利到土耳其中的六个国家中,他已为他的努力获得了补偿。

6、He made up for it later though.───不过他后来做了一些补救。

7、He made up for the part of an old man.───他化装扮演一个老头儿。

8、Whatever on-court milestones Yao's body never allowed him to achieve, he more than made up for off the court.───虽然姚的身体状况让他无法实现自己球场上的目标,他在球场外却做得更多。

9、He made up for it, however, by nabbing the only goal in United's Champions League opener against Besiktas on Tuesday.───但是在周中的欧冠他用全场唯一的进球击败了贝西克塔斯,做出了补偿。

made up for相似词语短语

1、came up for───提出;出现,来了

2、make up for───补偿,弥补

3、to make up for───补偿

4、making up for───补偿,弥补

5、stands up for───支持,坚持;拥护

6、come up for───提出;出现,来了

7、made for───导致;有助于;走向

8、makes up for───补偿,弥补

9、made up to───接近;奉承;补足

be made up for是什么意思


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