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engine malfunction什么意思(engine malfunction中文翻译,engine malfunction是什么意思,engine malfunction发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

engine malfunction什么意思(engine malfunction中文翻译,engine malfunction是什么意思,engine malfunction发音、用法及例句)

engine malfunction

engine malfunction发音

英:  美:

engine malfunction中文意思翻译




engine malfunction双语使用场景

1、The accident caused no casualties, aircraft engine malfunction has not been identified.───该事故没有造成人员伤亡,飞机引擎故障原因目前尚未查明。

2、The Anglo-French company rushed to fix the problem it said caused several of its trains to break down: powdery snow that seeped through protective filters and triggered a major engine malfunction.───这家英法合资公司一直在抓紧时间解决问题。公司说,导致几辆列车瘫痪的原因是:粉状降雪渗透到保护过滤器中,引发引擎出现了严重故障。

3、Three principles of examining and remedying engine malfunction───故障诊断、故障诊断、排除三原则

4、A Research on Application of Air-supplying System Detecting Value in Diagnosis of Car Engine Malfunction───供气系统检测值在发动机故障诊断中的应用研究

5、If there happens to be air bubbles in their engine cooling system, it may cause their cars to malfunction.───如果刚好气泡在发动机冷却系统,这可能会引起他们的汽车故障。

6、analysis confirmed that the problems on the Swiss cars didn't have anything to do with Alonso's engine failure, but were caused by a malfunction of the electronic engine management.───分析结果认为瑞士车队德赛车问题与阿隆索的引擎故障不存在任何关系,而是由电子引擎管理系统的故障引起的。

engine malfunction相似词语短语

1、exponential function───[数]指数函数

2、exponential functions───n.指数函数(exponentialfunction的复数)

3、wardrobe malfunctions───走光;行头故障

4、sentential function───句子功能

5、genuine affection───真情

6、gene function───基因功能

7、wardrobe malfunction───走光;行头故障

8、brain function───脑功能

9、to malfunction───故障

engine malfunction怎么应急处理?


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