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sent up中文翻译,sent up是什么意思,sent up发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

sent up中文翻译,sent up是什么意思,sent up发音、用法及例句

sent up

sent up发音

英:  美:

sent up中文意思翻译



sent up双语使用场景

1、The Rustock botnet, which sent up to 30 billion spam messages per day, might have been run by two or three people.───Rustock僵尸网络平均每天发送300亿封垃圾邮件,或许只由两三个人控制。

2、At the end of the performance, 2-thousand lanterns were sent up to the sky, symbolizing people's best wishes.───在表演结束之后,两千个灯笼被放飞,象征着人们最美好的祝福。

3、The ship sent up distress flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.───这艘船点起了遇险信号以引起海岸警卫队的注意。

4、To remedy this problem, she had a light meal with tea sent up to her room.───为了解决这个困扰,于是她叫人准备一些简单的餐点以及茶送到房间享用。

5、Fifteen choppers were sent up to search for you -- we hoped -- or, if you were dead, the perpetrators.───我们派了十五架直升飞机找你们——希望如此——要是你们被害的话就是找凶手了。

6、The guest who asks for a pack of cigarettes to be sent up to the room and receives us at the door fully naked.───比如说,有位客人要求你把一包烟送到房间,然后赤身裸体地站在门口迎接你;

7、two new shoots.───两根新芽。

8、Before humans were sent up in the balloon, a test flight was made using three animals: a sheep, a duck, and a rooster.───在热气球载人飞行之前,首先进行飞行试验的是三只动物:一只羊,一只鸭子和一只公鸡。

9、A coal slipped, the fire crackled and sent up a spurt of flame, and he woke with a start.───一块煤滑了下来,火噼啪作响,喷出一股火焰,把他吓醒了。

sent up相似词语短语

1、sends up───射出;使上升;长出;检举;提出;判决入狱

2、beat up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

3、send up───射出;使上升;长出;检举;提出;判决入狱

4、send ups───射出;使上升;长出;检举;提出;判决入狱

5、sent out───发送;派遣;放出

6、belt up───安静些;系上安全带

7、set up───v.建立;装配;开业;竖立

8、swept up───大扫除;收拾干净

9、went up───上升;被建立(goup的过去分词)

sent up是什么意思?


I wonder if I could have breakfast sent up?


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