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ended up中文翻译,ended up是什么意思,ended up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

ended up中文翻译,ended up是什么意思,ended up发音、用法及例句

ended up

ended up发音

英:  美:

ended up中文意思翻译



ended up双语使用场景

1、And yet I suspect if we had gone out in search of romance, we would have ended up with a soggy pizza.───不过我想,如果我们本来就是要出去寻找浪漫,那么我们最终得到的可能不过就是乏味的比萨。

2、Third, by trying to cover too much of the technology, we ended up with a mixture of things that just didn't go together.───第三,由于试图覆盖太多的技术,我们最后把那些不能放在一起的东西混合在一起。

3、All that I can remember amounts up to my first day of kindergarten when I fought with an older American kid, whom I ended up biting.───惟一能记得的,就是到幼儿园第二天就同一个比我大的美国孩子打了一架。为了自卫反击,我好像是咬了他一口。

4、We ended up with two rock hard twin beds that I later combined after the front desk said they would not move us to a room with a large bed.───我们后来合并了两张像岩石一样硬的单人床当前台表示他们不能使我们搬进拥有一张大床的房间。

5、I dated this girl for about three months. Every other word out of her mouth was a swear word. It ended up being a real turn-off.───我跟这个女孩子约会了三个月。从她口里说出的话几乎每隔一个字就是脏话,结果她真使人感到兴味索然。

6、Some of the pellets hit him in the face, and he ended up needing an ambulance ride and hospital treatment.───一些散弹射中了他的脸,最终他不得不被救护车送到医院并进行治疗。

ended up相似词语短语

1、end up───结束;死亡

2、landed up───到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞

3、eyed up───抬起头来

4、added up───v.合计

5、headed up───领导;抬高;加盖子于

6、eased up───v.缓和;放松;减轻

7、anted up───预下;预付

8、winded up───结束;使紧张;卷起;(非正式)忽悠某人(windsbup);上紧(钟、表等的)发条

9、genned up───尽可能挖掘更多信息


1. endedup后面通常跟着一个动词的过去分词形式。

2. 这是因为"ended up"是一个短语动词,表示最终处于某种状态或结果。

3. 例如,"I ended up going to the party"意思是最终我去了派对。


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