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join up中文翻译,join up是什么意思,join up发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

join up中文翻译,join up是什么意思,join up发音、用法及例句

1、join up

join up发音

英:  美:

join up中文意思翻译


参军; 入伍; (使)合拢; (使)联合

join up双语使用场景

1、We plan to join up with the other team at the top of the mountain.───我们计划与另外一个队在山顶会合.

2、The two companies were ordered to join up with each other before dawn.───那两个连奉命在黎明前会师.

3、Yanglet's join up the army and drive the Japanese out of China.───杨,和我一起参军吧,我们一起把日本鬼子赶出中国.

4、I'm to join up with our brave lads in gray.───我要去加入到我们灰色的英雄行列中去.

5、You can join up for this website clicking on the button.───你可以点选这个按钮未加入这个网站.

6、It is hoped he will join up before the end of the visit.───希望他能在旅行的最后阶段加入.

7、Join up with her? Not on your life. She is unreliable. Trust her and you die.───跟她联合?才不会 呢! 她这人靠不住. 相信她,你死定了.

8、The first stage of the operation was to join up the bones.───手术的第一步是把骨头接上.

9、Where do the two roads join up?───这两条路在哪儿交汇?

10、I'm going to join up with brace in gray.───我要加入到南方勇敢的士兵当中去.

11、GM was too big to join up with anybody else.───通用汽车公司太大了,它不会同任何人搞联合.

12、We must join up with parallel enterprises to develop the tourism industry.───我们要横向联合起来,发展旅游事业.

13、We will join up in the corner of the school.───我们将在学校里的一个角落里会合.

14、They leave their associates if they want to and join up with new ones without conflict.───它们可以随意离开同伴,并与其它黑猩猩组成新的团伙而不会产生任何纠纷.

15、In my opinion we should use the computers to join up all the offices.───依我看来,我们应当用计算机把所有的办公室连接起来.

16、Read those words written on the scrip, they succeeded to join up at that night.───读到字条上的这条信息,人民成功地在当夜联合起来.

17、He was arrested for having got more than twenty young kids to join up.───他由于曾引诱20多个年轻人吸毒上瘾而被逮捕.

18、Here the two rivers join up with each other.───两条河在这里汇合.

19、I'm going to join up with our brave lads in grey.───我要加入咱们穿灰军装的勇敢的小伙子们的队伍.

20、They began to join up in communities.───他们开始结成团体。

21、It takes time to join up nicely for the edges of the wound.───伤口愈合是要一段时间的.

22、The railway tracks join up into a single line on the other side of the town.───在城镇那边的几条铁道合为一条单线.

join up相似词语短语

1、joins up───联合起来;连接;参军

2、joined up───联合起来;连接;参军

3、doing up───整理;刷新;修缮;使精疲力尽

4、join in───加入;参加

5、point up───v.使尖锐,强调

6、going up───上升;向上

7、own up───v.坦白;爽快承认

8、lain up───躺下

9、shin up───爬上


“上课”的英文:attend class;go to class

attend 读法 英 [Y'tend] 美 [Y't[nd]

1、vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴

2、vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾


1、attend school 上学;去上学

2、attend on 照料;侍候

3、attend a lecture 听关于……的讲座;上课

4、attend university 上大学

5、attend by 伴着



take part in, attend, participate, join这组词都有“参加,加入”的意思,其区别是:

1、take part in 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。

2、attend 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。

3、participate 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。

4、join 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。

二、join 读法 英 [d?#594;jn] 美 [d?#596;jn]

1、vt. 参加;结合;连接

2、vi. 加入;参加;结合

3、n. 结合;连接;接合点


1、join the club 加入俱乐部;咱们都一样(指处于不好的处境)

2、join the party 入党;同病相怜

3、join up 联合起来;连接;参军

4、join forces with 联合;会师

5、join now 参加;现在加入

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