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i feel you中文翻译,i feel you是什么意思,i feel you发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

i feel you中文翻译,i feel you是什么意思,i feel you发音、用法及例句

i feel you

i feel you发音

英:  美:

i feel you中文意思翻译



i feel you双语使用场景

1、When I at the beginning of the division well, I feel you have to become our efforts have paid a number!───当我初为人师时,我才感受到您曾经为我们的成才付出了多少心血!

2、You 're a thousand miles away but I feel you here with me.───我们相隔千里,我却觉得你就在身边。

3、Christ Michael, I feel you want to speak. Use me to say what you wish.───基督迈克,我感觉你有话要说。请利用我表达你想要表达的。

4、Tyrone and I sat on our couch in Salt Lake City and said, "I feel you" to the memory of Baltimore, to illness, to realism.───在盐湖城,泰龙和我一起坐在沙发上,对着在巴尔的摩留下的记忆,病痛,现实说“我感受到了你”。

5、Overall, I feel you will be in agreement with the wording of this contract, but you should still have a lawyer take a look at it to be sure.───总的来说,我觉得你会同意的措辞,这一合同,但还是应该有一个律师来看看这是肯定的。

6、I know exactly how you feel.───我非常清楚你的感受。

7、It is so strange, I feel you were at my side and I could see you soon .───感觉很奇怪,好像你就在身边马上就能看到似的。

8、The Frenchman told the club's official website: & quot ; I feel you have to respect the desire of the player - and it was to leave.───这位法国人在球队的官方网站上发表声明:“我认为你应该尊重一位球员的想法,即使是要求离开。”

9、I feel you take more careful with your brother, I believe he must trust in you. but, you are the example of me .───我感觉到你更加照顾你弟弟了,我相信他会信任你的,但是,你是我的榜样。

i feel you相似词语短语

1、feel for───同情;摸索

2、to feel for───感觉

3、see you───再见;回头见

4、feel out───v.试探出

5、after you───您先请

6、feel joy───感受快乐

7、if I were you───如果我是你的话



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