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pump up中文翻译,pump up是什么意思,pump up发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

pump up中文翻译,pump up是什么意思,pump up发音、用法及例句

pump up

pump up发音

英:[pʌmp ʌp]  美:[pʌmp ʌp]

英:  美:

pump up中文意思翻译


唧送; 打气; 泵送


pump up双语使用场景

1、Make sure to pump up the volume on your speakers!───请务必泵的数量最多的发言者!

2、The best way to pump up the pace is to read a lot - for pleasure.───最好的提高速度的方法是快乐的大量阅读。

3、There they were told to strip naked , jumpsintosa freezing lake and pump up rugby balls underwater.───在那里, 训练者要求队员脱得一丝不挂,跳进冰冷的湖中,在水下给橄榄球打气.

4、He tried to pump up a poem.───他绞尽脑汁想挤出一首诗来.

5、I have only drawn three, but now let's pump up the volume.───我只是这么画,现在让我们增大体积。

6、Pump up the tires hard before going out on the road.───上路之前先把轮胎打足了气.

7、Could you pump up the tires, please ?───可以请你将轮胎打气 吗 ?

8、Despite its tiny size it can pump up to 2.5 litres of blood every minute.───虽然它的体积很小,但是它却能够每分钟泵出多达2.5升的血液.

9、Deming also had the foresight to pump up exploration and solidify the retail business.───戴明的远见卓识使公司得以加强勘探并巩固了零售业务.

10、The government has budgeted more than $ 23 billion since November to pump up the economy.───韩国政府从去年11月以来为刺激经济制定了230亿美元的预算拨款.

11、Let's pump up the volume.───让我们增大体积。

12、I tried to pump up my back tyre.───我试图给后胎打气。

13、Pump up the tyres hard before going out on the road.───上路之前先把轮胎打足气.

14、The preheat oven is used to bring the pump up to the metal bath temperature.───进口工业网的预热烤箱是用来使泵送金属浴温度.

15、You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.───这可以用手或用这个特殊的机器给车胎打气.

16、Pump up the bass by adding vibrating effects to a set of speakers.───泵的低音加上振动影响的一套发言.

17、Bringing DTR equipment into an existing token - ring environment will pump up the amounts of available bandwidth.───把DTR设备带入现有的 令牌环 网环境将提升可用带宽.

pump up相似词语短语

1、pumps up───用泵把…抽上来;热切期望

2、pimp up───打扮(非正式);装扮(非正式)

3、jump ups───跳起来;上投断层

4、jump up───跳起来;上投断层

5、bump up───突然增加;提升

6、pumped up───用泵把…抽上来;热切期望

7、bumps up───突然增加;提升




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