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such as(such as中文翻译,such as是什么意思,such as发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

such as(such  as中文翻译,such  as是什么意思,such  as发音、用法及例句)

1、such as

such as发音

英:  美:

such as中文意思翻译



such as双语使用场景

1、In recent years the market performance to see, white wine and beer, wine, such as the result of the competition foreign wine is not ideal.───从近年来白酒的市场表现来看,与啤酒、葡萄酒、洋酒等竞争的结果是不理想的。

2、Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a little solace.───个个蜷缩着身体,面如黄土,铁青着脸,我心里总算稍稍有了安慰。

3、Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.───人不能消化草类植物。

4、Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.───有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。

5、Such as you think best adapted to win the heart of a maiden.───就用你认为最适合的词句去赢得少女的心。

6、The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associate with symbols such as the jack-o'-lantern.───一天,常与颜色的橙色和黑色的,并表示强烈的联想与符号如火焰般双眼的空心。

7、How much of your China funding comes from multinationals in China such as Marriott and how much from Chinese businesses themselves?───《华尔街日报》:你们在中国的资金有多少来自于像万豪之类的跨国公司,有多少来自于中国自己的企业?

8、Cities such as Tokyo are spreading out.───像东京这样的城市正在扩展。

9、Some turned into a bit of jade dust, smoke, or fog, such as dust, flying freely in the air.───有的化作点点玉屑,如烟、如雾、如尘,在空中自由地飞舞。

such as相似词语短语

1、such that───如此…以致

2、as much as───差不多;尽…那样多

3、slouch hats───宽边软帽



6、inasmuch as───conj.由于,因为

7、much as───虽然,尽管(表让步);非常像,和…几乎一样

8、slouch hat───宽边软帽

9、so much as───甚至于;连……都不

2、such as和for example有什么区别啊


1、such as:例如;像;象…这样;诸如…之类

2、for example:例如;比如


1、such as

such as当作“例如”解时,一般用来列举事物,插在被列举事物和前面的名词之间。例如:

The farm grows various kinds of crops,such as wheat,corn,cotton and rice.


Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted. 


注意:such as一般不宜与and so on连用。

2、for example

for example意为用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。例如:

A lot of people here,for example,Mr John,would rather have coffee.



such as一般在强调类比事物时使用,后面是同一类别的几个事物;而for example则在单独举例的时候使用,后面的事物就是一个整体;

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